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              ⚠️SMUT WARNING⚠️
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And for everyone eles who is reading this I hope you enjoy the chapter

                            Y/N pov

She step closer and pulled me in to a passionate little makeout section. Once air was a problem we pulled apart. "Can we just cuddle tonight im not really feeling it" I asked her. "Ya of course" she said sounding a little disappointed.

We walk to my room, she plopped down on my bed. "Fuck it" I said to myself, I turned around and closed my door and locked it just in case. "Uh whatcha doing" Maya asked. I turned around and walk up to her and leaning down to smash our lips together.

She pull away "what happened to not wanting to do it" she asked breathing heavy. "Damn you talk to much" I said breathing heavy to. She smirked "then shut me up" she say. "I'll be glad to" I said smashed our lip together and lay down in between her legs.

I held myself up by my arms that are close to Maya's head, as my lower have is press against hers. I kissed down to her jaw, then I kiss down to her sensitive spot on her neck. She let out a soft moan.

She rapped her legs around me. She grabbed both of my cheeks and pulled me up to kiss her. I started to move my hips around causing her to let out soft moans. She was moving her hips to, she was tugging on my shirt. So I pulled away and took it off. I also took of my bra before I lean back down and connecting our lips again.

"God your beautiful" she moan as she grabbed my breast. She put one in her mouth as she play with the other one. I closed my eye enjoying the pleasure that she giving me. I let out a moan "maya" I say. I move my hean down to her center and started rubbing her through her pants.

She started moaning more, that vibration causing more pressure to me. I stop rubbing her and started tugging on the rim of her pants. She pulled apart and she started to take her clothes off. I took the rest of my off.

"Lay down" she demand, I did what she told me. She got on top of me and line her lower to my face. I lean up enough to start tougefucking her. She started morning like crazy and she start moving her hip. I rapped my arm around her hip to keep it still. "Oh god dont stop" she moan out.

She let out a loud moan as she came, I lick her clean. She was breathing heavy, she got off and then I got on top and line our lower half together and then start moving my hips. We both were moaning at this point. But not to long ago we both came together.

I fall next to her and she lay her head on my chest "that was amazing" I breathed out. "Ya" she say with a smile, we both fell asleep cuddling with each other.

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