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                              Y/N pov

I woke up to Maya talking on the phone with who ever called her. I still had my eyes close so that she doesn't know that I'm awake.

"ya, she still sleeping and I don't blame her, she had a interesting day yesterday"

"ya...So have you guys find a cure for this yet"

"well find it soon because I don't want to lose my soulmate... she means everything to me Farkle and I don't want my life knowing that one of these days someone will take her away from me and never give her back or knowing that everyone in this world is in love with her"

"Of course I love her that much that's why I said yes to her, and plus I would be really stupid to not love this girl"

"ok what about Y/N, I can't just leave her here alone" 

"ya i get that but-"

"ok fine i'm not going then"


I sat up "shit" she wispered as she turns around to look at me. "I got to go Farkle" she said hanging up. "sorry I didn't mean to wake you up" she sits next to me. " It's fine love, so what did he want" I asked her. "Oh, um he said that he needs my help because Riley and Missy is sleeping" she explains to me. 

"You can go if you want" I said. "Nope not leaving you here alone" she say as she gets up.  "But-" she cuts ne off "but nothing Y/N, I don't trust the people that's out there" she said. I nod "ok fine" I lay back down and face the wall. "Oh come on Y/N don't be like that" she whines as she sat down next to me. "Like what" I asked turning around to face her.

"Are you mad at me" Maya asked looking down. "Of course not, why would you think I'm mad at you" I asked turned around to face her. She down at the floor "I don't know I guess it just feels like your mad at me because I'm not doing anything to help end this whole thing" She said. I sat up and scoot up to where she is. I pulled her into a huge "Hey I could never be mad at you, I love you to much" I wispered into her ear.

"just go, for me please" I say "but then you'll be-" I cut her off. "alone.. I know but you got to, everything will go faster if your there helping" I told her. She was hesitant at first but then she agreed to. I lean in and peck her lips, once we pulled away she grabbed her things "I'll call you to check up on you"She said before she left. I sat back down on her bed and I decided to read one of my books that on my phone. 

After about an hour or two past by I already finshed my book so I decided to watch tv. I walked to the living room and right as i sat down I heard a knock on the door, I walk to the door and look through the peek whole. It was a random guy that I never seen. I also know that Maya doesn't know this guy. "Y/N I know your in there so just open up" he said through the door. I didn't do anything but just stand there. He started bang on the door really hard 'Y/N let me in all I want to do is make you feel better" He yells on the other side of the door. 

I ran to Maya room and shut it close and lock it, I then ran in to the closet. I grabbed my phone out and text Maya. Before I sent the text I heard a a loud bang "Dude where is she" someone said. I hear them walk around the apartment "OH COME ON Y/N WE LOVE YOU, YOU CAN COME OUT" one of them yelled out. I sent Maya the text.

Me- There's a creepy guy in front the door and he knows my name

Me- now there's more of them

Babe- Ok I'm coming now 

Babe- stay hidden 

Me- ok

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