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                       Y/N pov

I was in my room laying on my bed while read a book. I was reading a harry potter book. I was at the end of the chapter when I heard a knock on my bed room door.

"Hey sis there's someone here to see you" my little sister said. "Ok just send them up" I told her. She nodded and walked out while closing the door. Not to long ago the was a knock again.

I got up from my bed and opens the door. There stands Maya with a bright smile on her face. "Hey hot stuff" Maya said. I chuckled a little "Hey beautiful, come on in" I said while moving out of the way.

I closed the door behind us and then went to go lay back down. I pat at the spot next to me. "Cuddle time" I said in a happy voice. Her smile grow bigger, she lay next to me. I swung my arm around her.

She snuggle into my neck. "Did you sleep ok last night" I asked. "Ya I guess I'm still tried though" she said. "Ya, you can sleep if you want" I told her. "Ok....I love you Y/N" she wispered. I held on to her tighter "I love you to Maya" I wispered back kissing her on top of her head. I heard quiet heavy breathing.

(Maya's dream)

I woke up to Y/N showing me with kisses. "Hey beautiful" she wispered. "Hey" I wispered back, I  snuggle into her more. "Hey you need to get up, your mom want to take you somewhere" she said. I groan and got up.

"See you late babe love you"Y/N said before I walked out. I went straight to my house. Once I got there i saw my mom on the couch. "Oh good your here, now lets go" she said while draging me out. "Where are we going"I asked. "To the Matthews" she said.

"Why" I asked as I yank my hand out of her grip. "I can't tell you that" she said as we arrive at the Matthews apartment. We walked up to their and my mom knocked on it. Riley answer it "YAYYY your here... Ok ok here" she hands me a letter.

"What's this"I asked "dont asked question just read" she said. I opend it and took out the paper. I unfold it and read it.

Dear Maya,
Your beautiful from the in and out side. You are the best thing that happy to me. I love you with all my hart.
I know you dont like to any thing hard so I asked riley to me. If you look on the bottom of the paper there will be a word on it.
Riley is going to take you to your next clue. I love you my love.


"Ok" I said in coufuse tone. "What now" I asked "now I take you to the next clue" Riley said in excitment. She drag me out of the house while everyone follow behind.

Five minutes later we were at the subway. You could see people rushing off and on the train. I saw Lucas standing with a letter in his hand. We walked up to him and he hands me the letter with a big grin on his face. I read this letter.

Dear Maya,
Hey love, your half way done. So the reason you at the subway its where I first saw you. You were stunning to me. That day couldn't stop thinking about you. It was the best day of my life.


Once I was done reading we all went on the train. I was confuse and I didnt know where we are going.

The Thread train stop and we all got off. Now I think that we are heading to the school. We walked in and went straight to Matthews. Class room. Farkle was in there sitting in his desk. It was dark, Riley drag me to my desk and I sat down so did she.

There was a tv in front of us. My mom press play and there was    Y/N. "Is it on Farkle" she asked. "Ya its on" Farkle said. "Oh ok.... Hey Mayaaa...." she said. She chuckled a little "wow I bet that sounded creepy" we all laughed. "Ok um so you have one more to go... anyways I bet your wondering why your at school, well its because this Is where I gave my phone number hoping that your text or call me" she said with a big smile. "And you did text me... I couldn't stop smile that night, my parents thought that I was high be how happy I was" we all laughed again. "Well if I'm high then you must be my weed" she laughs. "Ok ok well um here's the next clue" she said before holding up a peace of paper that says 'marry'

She put the paper back down "ok I love you Maya" she said before the screen went back. I couldn't stop smiling. "Where to Riles" I asked. "To Y/N" she said, we walked to topanga.

I walked inside to find Y/N standing there with a paper that says 'me?'. She walks up to me "you are the love of my life and I don't know what to do with out you, I want to spend everyday with you and I want to treat you like a queen and that mean that I can buy you what ever you want and you can't get mad at me about it because your worth every penny... So will you make me the happiest girl on this planet and marry me" she asked me.

I had tears in my eyes "yes" I said through tears. "Ya" she asked "Ya" I said. She grabbed my face and kiss me, I kissed her back.

(End of dream)

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