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                          Farkle pov

It was a big day for Y/N and Maya. They are finally going to get married today. Y/N seems really excited but Maya seems really nervous and none of us dont know why because she wont talk to us. She wont even talk to Riley about it."Hey Maya what's going on, you been stressed out all day are you nervous or something" I asked as I walk into her room. "what, No I'm not nervous I'm just....nevermind" she said as she past around her room.

"Maya, you can talk to us... what's going on" I asked. "Nothing wrong, can you just go please" she said as she pushes me out of the room. I was about to say something but she slammed the door shut before I could. I walk back to the living room where everyone else was. "I tried" I simply say as I sat down on the couch. "Alright we only have one choice" Maya mom said before grabbing her phone out. "Hey.....I'm good....oh ya uh so Maya is in her room freaking out and she wont talk to us why.... ya we all tried, she won't even talk to Riley about it....ya could you come home maybe she'll talk to you... no they're not allowed to see each other until 5....because and plus your going to be here anyways, you will just be a couple hours early..... ok thanks...ya ya love you to... bye" she hanged up the phone and we all look up at her. "What" she say "who was that" Missy asked.

"You'll see" is all Katy said. We all sat in silence listening to Maya talking to her self or more likely fighting with herself.  I think that she scared or something. I felt my phone buzz, I pull it out of my pocket and look who it was and it was Y/N.

Werido🙃: hey

Me: hey

Werido🙃: hows things going?

Werido🙃: because if I'm going to be honest I'm freaking out now, I mean what if she doesn't want to marry me or what if I'm going to be a bad wife to her? I mean there's so many way it can go wrong

Me: hey, everything is going to be fine, she loves you a lot... plus I think she thinking the same things because she freaking out to

Werido🙃: awe my poor baby

Me: so how everything going over there?

Werido🙃: I'm pretty much ready because I'm already dressed.

Me: can I see

Werido🙃: ya sure one sec

Me: ok

(This is what you will be wearing)

(This is what you will be wearing)Werido🙃:

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Me: damn girl you look good

Werido🙃: will why thank you farkle

"Hey guys do you want to see a pic of  Y/N" I asked them. "YES" they yelled out and rush up to me. I flipped the phone so they can see it. "Damn she's looks fine" Missy say. "Ya she does" Riley agreed. They all went back to sit down "she look beautiful" Maya mom smiled.

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