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                             Y/N pov

We been waiting all night and now its like around 6:34 in the morning. "I'm here for farkle minkus" I hear someone say. I stand up and turn around "Smackle over here " I said waving at her. "Oh my god, Y/N are you ok" she came rushing up to me. "Ya I'm fine so is riley, missy, and Maya" I told her. She sigh in relief. "Have you heard anything about farkle" she asked and I shake my head no. "Oh..." she trails off looking down "hey, he's going to be fine I promise" I said as I left up her chin softly. She nods we heard a door open "Farkle minkus" someone said, smackle and I turned around as everyone else stood up.

"Are you guys family" the doctor asked. "I am" Maya said and I look over at her confused. "They're just really close friends" she responded. The doctor nods "and I'm his girlfriend" smackle blurt out. The doctor nod again with a smile "alright, you may know that Farkle to go to surgery right" he said. "Well the surgery went good, and now he in recovery and you guys will be able to see him pretty soon" he informed us. "Thank you" I said with a smile.

                        Bayley pov

As the doctor talk fatkle another doctor came out "Alexa bliss" I stand up and walk over to the doctor. "Hi, are you family" he asked. 'Please dont be mad at me sasha' I thought. "Uh no I'm her girlfriend" I answered. "Oh ok" he smiled "here let go sit down" he said as we walk to some chair. "So when Alexa got here she barely had a palse and as we did the surgery we lost her for a minute or two... we thought we lost her but some miracle happened and she started breathing again" I couldn't but help smile.

"So the surgery went good and that she ready to see visitors, she is a little weak but I think she'll be ready to go home by tonight" the doctor said. I was really happy I hugged the doctor "thank you thank you" I said as I pulled away. He had a smile on his face "your welcome, so you want to see her now" he asked. I nod my head with a big smile "please". "Ok follow me" he say as he stands up and starts walking. I quickly got up and followed him to Alexa.

Once I reach to her, she looks a little pale. Her eyes was close so it mean she a sleep. I walk over to her and grabbed I get it her hand. She slowly opened my eyes "hey" I whispered. She gave me a small smile "hey" she said as he voice cracked. "I'm glad that your still alive" I said. Her smile grow I little, we both was look at each other. before I knew it our lips was connected. At the moment I didnt care if Sasha will be mad at me. I mean Alexa save my life, we pulled apart "woah" I whispered as my eyes was still closed.

I slow opened them and the first thing I saw was Alexa's ocean blue eyes shing with happiness. "Thanks for saving me" I said softly. "You know. I would of done it again if I had to" she said as she smiles. Oh my God what is she doing to me. We're apost to hate each other but we're doing the opposite right now. "I would do the same to" I says with a smile.

Sasha is gonna be pissed.

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