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                            Y/N pov

So prom is coming up...

And I bet you know what that means right?

Missy and I been talking about it for a while now. We know that its like 3 months away but we want to make everything perfect for them.

Maya and I walked in while holding hands. "I wish I could sleep more, like how aren't you tierd from last night" she asked. I just shrugged "I don't know" I said. "MAYA, Y/N WAIT UP" we heard from behide. We soon got tackled to the grouwd. "Sorry I didn't mean to do that " Riley said getting up as we all got up from the floor.

"I need talk to you guys" she said "about what" Maya ask as she intertwined our hands together again.
"SoyouguysknowpromiscomingupsoandMissyhasn'taskedmeyetandIfeellikeshedoesn'twanttogobeac-" Maya and I cut her off. "Woah, slow down" we said at the same time. We look at eachother and smile. We then focus on Riley again  "You know that Missy loves you, You just have to wait" I say. "And plus it could happen to or tomorrow but dont rush it riles because do you remember what happened last you try to rush things" Maya continued

Rilet took a deep breath "you guys are right... I can wait" she said but the part it was more for her. The bell rang and we headed to our class. We walked in and saw my mom talking to Mr.Matthews. I let go of Maya hand and  walked over to them. "What are you doing here mom" I  asked.

"Oh I was just checking up on your gades" she smiled. "Why" I asked, "just to make sure I don't have to take you away from Maya until you could get your stuff turn in" she explained. "Really mom, you know I can handle this on my own" I told her. "I know I just want to make sure" she smile. "Ok, so I'll just go so you can start leaning" she said grabbing her thing and waved goodbye to everyone.
                      (Durning lunch)

Riley and Maya are already in the lunch room and Missy and I are getting ready to asked them. We got everyone who would help us set up already. We were all outside.

We had farkle and lucas go get them.
Once we saw them we started the song.

(Pretend that Missy and you are doing this)

Missy gave Riley a bear, flowers, can her favorite candy. I gave Maya chocolate, a big bear and flowers (👆 up on top) they both said yes. Everyone was cheering, you could see Mathews, Topanga, Katy, Shawn standing there with a huge smile on their face.

Prom is going to be fun I already could tell😉

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