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I felt someone shaking me "Maya... you need to hurry and get up because I don't want to be in here for long" Farkle said. I slowly got up and so does Y/N, Farkle ran out of his room.  "what is going on" she asked me. I got up from the bed "I figured out what we were missing" I grabbed my coat. "and what was that" she asked getting up to, "just get ready to go outside, I'll be right back" I told her. I ran down down stairs and went to grab the things I need. 

"Maya all you have to do is put 1 cup of rain drop in there thenand then shake it up... it should be good then" Farkle told me. "I know" I said grabbing the bottle and grabbed a cup with me. Y/N was already at the door "you do know it's raining right" she asked as she pulled her sweater closer to her. "yes I did know that actually" I said with a smile on my face. "Then why are we going out there" she ask me. "just get out there and I promise that we will do something fun later, ok" I say as I pull her out of the house and went to the roof of the building. 

It wasn't raining hard but it was still enough to get the cup full. So I put the cup down and and walk back to Y/N. I grabbed her hand "everything should work now" I told her. I turn around and the cup was already full. I walk over and grabbed then I grabbed the bottle and opened it. I pouted thr rain drops in there the I closed anz shaked it up.

I hand it to her and she took a deep breath as she opens it up. She counted to three and then chucked it down. Once she was done she hand me the bottle, she had it to her mouth. "Why does it hnot 3eave to be so gross" she whines. "I don't know honey" I say as I peck her lips.

"Ok lets go see if it works" I say as I pull her inside again. We walk into the house "guys you can come out now" i yelled. They slowly walk out "so did it work" I asked. Out of nowhere Missy comes up and slaps Y/N across the face. "Omg I'm so sorry" she said before running into the room. "Well atleast we know it works but now everyone is going to hate her" farkle said as he walks to his room.

I look over at Y/N "I thought we had" i said as i grabbed her hand. We walked to farkle's room.

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