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Farkle pov

I slowly opened my eyes and the brightness of the light was blinding me. My eyes slow adjust to the light, I look around the room and I could see smackle, Riley, Missy, Maya, bayley, sasha, alexa, and Y/N sitting on the chairs or on the floor.

"...." I try to talk but couldn't say anything. So I decided to clap hoping that someone could hear me. Smackle woke up and when she saw me she jumped up from the chair and ran up to me. "Farkle your awake, how you feeling?" She asked me.

"....." I try to talk again but nothing came out. Smackle got up and grab a water bottle from a backpack that's next to Riley. "Here maybe this will help" she said as she opens the bottle and hand it to me. I'll took a drink "hey" I said but my voice was weak still.

"Hey" she said with a small smile. Soon enough everyone else woke up. We were talking about what happened yesterday. There was a knock on the door, a doctor walked in "ahh I see that you're awake Mr.Minkus" the doctor said. "so I got some good news and some bad news, is it okay if your friends are here when I tell you the news or would you like me to tell you privately" he asked me.

"My friends can stay" I said with a weak voice. The doctor nod in response, "so the good news is that you're healing up pretty well" he said. Eveyone had a smile on their face. "but the bad news is we found out that you have.... prostate cancer" he say the last part slowly.

"Umm apparently you had it for 5 months now and its getting worst by every day..... we could start the treatment now but um.... since you had it for 5 months now and not knowing it, your in stage 3 so if we can start the treatment now we could probably keep it from going into stage4 before the end of December, so the leaves us 2 month" he explained. I look at my friends and you could tell that they're still processing everything what the doctor said." So since your still not 18 I have to get a parent's permission to start the chemotherapy, I called your parents and they said that we can talk about it and that they will set a appointment with a doctor where you live so I'm going to go get all the papers you will need" the doctor said. I nod and he walked out the room.

The room was silent for a couple of minutes before smackle said something. "This can't be happening we're supposed to rule the world together and get married, we're supposed to have little farkles and become a happy family" tears were running down her cheeks. I reached out to hold her hand "hey don't cry everything will be fine I promise" i tell her.

I pulled her down next to me so that I could hold her "ok?" I asked, running my fingers through her hair. She sniffs "ok" she say as her voice was shaking.

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