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Maya pov

I woke up to my phone ding. I picked it up to see who it was and it was Y/N. I sat up and read the message

Babe😍❤- Goodmorning my beautiful amazing princess ❤ I love you with all my heart, you never have to worry about any girl taking your spot or getting  in between us I'm just all for as long as we're together,👭 You mean everything to me, never forget that your the number 1 person in my life 😍 I'm never going to give up on you, only a few things that will make me leave you & you know what they are

Babe😍❤- you should could  come over because you promise me cuddles😍

I smile to myself, godsh that was to cute.

Me- awww your to cute😍, I ❤ you to and i be there at in 2 hours

Babe😍❤- ok

Me- ok bye love

Babe😍❤- bye

Riley start waking up, she slowly sat up. "W-what's going on... why are you so happy... normally your monster in the morning" she said in between yawns. "Wow thanks riles, but I got a morning text from Y/N... She just ughhh I can't explain how I feel about her it's like are relationship but 10 times stronger"I said happily. I sat more "I really love her riles... I dont ever want to loose her" I said.

"Wow Maya you must really like this girl" someone said. Riley and I jump up. "MOM DONT SCARE US LIKE THAT" Riley said with her hand on her chest breathing heavily. "Sorry honey" Mrs.Matthews said. "I do really like her... what if she doesn't like this much, I DONT want to loose her, what if I mess this up like I always do or what if someone eles comes out of nowhere and takes her away from me, I-" I started to panic.

"Woah Woah Maya calm down she really likes you, you dont have to worry" Mrs.Matthews said. I took a deep breath "Ok ok I'm ok" I said. "Good, now come on breakfast done" she said before walking out.

We went down stairs "Good morning" we both said. "Good morning" Auggie and Mr.Matthews said at the same time. We all ate our food while talking and laughing.

Once we all got done Riley and I went to her room again and we were watching movie for a little bit. I look at the time and it was time for me to go to Y/N house. "Hey I'm gonna hang out with    Y/N for awhile" I said getting up. "Ok see you later then"she say as she gives me a hug. I hugged her back "Ok see you later" I let go and then climbed out of the window and made my way to    Y/N house.

Maya X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now