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                               Y/N pov

Eveyone was in the backyard except Auggie, Maya, and I. "Hey auggie do you want to me my little cousin their about your age" I asked him. "Sure why not" he said turning off the system and the tv. I got up from my bed and walked to the other side where Maya is.

I lean down to kiss her cheek and then kiss up to her ear "Ill be right back love" I said. Auggie and I walkes down stairs and went to the backyard. We walked out and saw little kids running around as the older kids hang out by the corner talking about who knows what. Then you have the adult sitting at the talk talking work or something like that.

We walked up to my little cousin. "Conner.... Jasmine, I want you guys to meet someone" I said. They stop running and walked to us. "So guys this is auggie, auggie this Conner and Jasmine" I introduced them to each other. "Hi" Auggie said shyly, "hi do you want to play with us" Jasmine asked.

Auggie looks up to me then looks back at them. "Sure" he smiles at her, "YAYY" she yells. "Tag your it" Jasmine tagged auggie and they start running away from me. I smiled to my self, I walked back inside. Once I got to my room I opened it. I saw Maya on her phone, I walked in and locked the door.

I walked over to her and grabbed her phone. "Hey! I was playing a game" she pouts. "Its ok I got another game you can play" I told her. "And whats that" she asked. "This" I said before smashing our lips together. I slowly climb into the bed and got in between her legs.

In seconds she flipped us around. "Im in control this time" she said. She took off my shirt and pants off leaving me in  my underwear and bra. She then stripped off her clothes off to. I could help but stare at her beautiful body. "What... like what you see" she asked with a smirk.

I nod as I let out a soft moan, she slowly leans down and kiss me. She move down to my neck.

And I think you know where that lead to.

After our very great time, we laying there trying to caught my breath. Maya was lay her head on my chest. I kissed the top of her head. "Come on lets get dress before someone comes up" I tell getting up and putting on my clothes.

She does the same and once we got done getting dress we lay back down onto the bed. I pulled her into a very passionate makeout session. Not to long my phone was going off. "Ughhhh! Really" she groans. I chuckled and grabbed my phone.

"Hello......ya......Ya Auggie is still with me......Umm actually my family is having a barbecue right now so I was wondering if you guys and Riley want to come over and join......ok cool.....yup see you soon..... ya ok bye" I put the phone down and I saw that Maya was staring at me. "What" I asked "nothing your just amazing"she said with a smile. I smiled back and lean in to connect our lips together again.

Maya X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now