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                      Riley pov

"Mom what am I a post to do because I have school" I asked her. "You are a straight A student and I do know your make up your homework so I guess you could skip to fix this" she said.

I run up to her and hugged her "thank you mom" I said with a smile. Then my smile fade again "how am I going to talk to both of them because one Maya won't talk to Y/N and two I don't know where Y/N lives" I said.

"Hey, you go talk to Maya and I'll go talk to Y/N, I'll fine a way to fine her ok so got talk to maya" my mom said. I hugged her again  "Ok thanks mom oh uh try to get Y/N at Topanga's in an hour please" I yell before running out. "Ok" my mom yelled back.

I ran to Maya's house, when I got there I was out of breath. I stop in front of the building trying to caught my breath.

Holy cow I'm out of shape

When I could breath again I ran up to Maya's house. I knocked on the door. I got no answer so I knocked on it again. Still no answer, I ran out of the building and went to the fire escape. I climbed up to Maya's room. When I got up there I saw her sitting in the corner of her room.

I knocked her window but she just sat there. "Open the window, Maya" I yelled. "No" Maya yelled back. "Ring power" I yelled back, holding my hand up showing her my ring. She slowly got up and walked to the window.

I climbed into throw the window and sat on the her bed. She sat down next to me. "We need to talk" I say in a serious. "There's nothing to talk about" Maya said quietly.

"Maya, she loves you" I said. "Look riles, the only reason she doing this is because she feels bad for me" Maya said angry. I stood up "Maya she loves you... how can you not see that, she was trying to prove it to you" I yelled.

"How is that showing me she loves me" she asked me. "First to show your that she cares and that's there no price on you.... She trying to spoil you because she loves you, Maya" I explain yo her. "Riley I just d..." I cut her off.

"Maya at least talk to her" I said. She groans "Maya please" I plead her. "Finne" she whines, "when" she asked. "Now" I grabbed her wrist and we ran out if the house.

To be continued......

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