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"Okay everyone you guys did a wonderful job but there's only going to be one winner and that is......  the dream killers" one of the judges said. The group that just won we're all girls and they were screaming while jumping up and down and the excitement. I look over at my friends and they look so disappointed.

My friends and I stood up and started walking out of the room."I thought that Y/N was going to win cuz her voice was amazing" Zay said. "well I thought that Riley and Maya is going to win cuz they sound wonderful together" I said as I look down on my girlfriend. "Awwwww Y/N your so sweet" Riley said with a big smile on her face. "Awwww thanks Y/N"  Maya said as she hugs me.

We were almost out of the building when we've heard someone calling out my name.  "Y/N.... Y/N wait up" a guy said as he was running up to us. Once he caught up to us he was breathing heavy. Once he could breathe normally he started talking. "hi, my name is Robert Mendez and I'm a music producer and I was wondering if we could talk in private Y/N" he asked.

"Umm ya sure" I said, we walked ahead a little bit. "you sounded great out there and I know you didn't win but I was wondering if you still want to become a singer because if you do I want you to work with me I can get you on the top before dream Killers do, I'm the best producer out there for you and I promise that I'll do my best to get you what you need for your music" he said.
"Oh wow um this is big um do you think I can have some time to think about this" I asked

"well ofcourse you can but before you do decide I have to talk to your parents about it first" he said. "Right" I agreed, "this is my address and you could come over when you have time" I told him as I write down my address. "Ok great thank you" he said. "No problem, well um have a nice day" I said before walking off. I walked back to my friends and we went to Topanga's to hang out.

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