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The Next Morning 🌞..


I woke up the next morning hearing banging on the wall. I groaned knowing Makayla and Vincet were getting their freak on early this morning. I sighed turning over and Honey was sleeping next to me, naked.

We had sex last night, it was amazing. Honey was eating my shit soo good last night, I was literally begging her to give me more.

It wasn't really weird having an intercourse with another woman because it happened before. Now, my first time, which was with Honey, it was a little awkward.

I was nervous and didn't really know what to do. Until she showed me and we started practicing on each other. Then things started happening in the locker rooms at the strip clubs.

Now, here I am. Don't mind fucking pussy or getting fucked my dick.

I made breakfast for the household this morning. Just because I felt like being nice.

I was cooking the eggs and scrolling through social media when a kiss was planted on my neck. I looked back seeing Honey behind me.

"Oh, GoodMorning. Didn't think you was going to be up. I'm making breakfast, wanna help?" I asked.

"Sure. But how about we make it fun?" She smirked walking to the fridge. I watched her and she grabbed a can of whipped cream. Didn't even know that was in there. I turned the stove down.

She shook the can and squirted some in her mouth. She then walked back towards me spraying the cream on my neck and upper boobs and licked/sucked it off.

I moaned rubbing her ass and smacked it. "Give it this." I turned her around putting one of her legs on the counter and sprayed the whipped cream all on her ass and a little by her clit area.

"Ouup, cold." She said and I laughed.

"Won't be for long," I put the can down and started licking the whipped cream off her ass squeezing it in the process. I went to her and dug in eating her pussy like breakfast. She was moaning and holding onto the counter.

"Dammit Teyana." She whispered twerking her ass on my face. I moaned making a vibrating feeling onto her making her moan a little louder.

"Keep it down Honey." I said.

"Fuck, I can't! It feels soo good!"

After breakfast, I dropped Honey off at home and then went to the mall. Makayla said she was going to meet me here because her and Vincet were busy doing something.

We hang out sometimes, but not as how we use to. Ever since she met Vincet, its been all about him. When he's not busy or not in NY, that's when she'll be  under me.

I'm only going treat myself today for my date Friday. I still don't know which guy I want to go out with and which one I want to ditch.

It's hard. Damn, why do I have to be so pretty?

I looking at some MK purses to buy and I heard someone call my name.

"TEYANA!" I looked up seeing no one other than Brian. He had bags in his hands. All looked like shoes and some stuff from that Justice store for the little kids.

"Brian? What are you doing here?" I asked hugging him back when he hugged me.

"Nothing much, just shopping for my nieces and nephews. What about you? You look nice today. I like that dress." He said eyeing my body and tilted his head a little looking at my ass.

"Boy!" I playfully pushed him and we both laughed. "I am not about to play with you in these people's store Brian. You better not." I said pointing at him.

"Yeah your right. We still on for our date Friday, right?" He asked stepping closer to me.

"Huh? Oh um .. yeah yeah, its still on." I said hesitantly because I don't want him all worked up about it and end up being the one ditched.

"What's wrong? You seemed hesitant about your answer." He said. I shook my head looking at the purses.

"Nothing. Nothing's wrong with me. You just make sure your looking good for me Friday because I'm here today to find me something to wear." I said changing the subject a little.

He laughed, "Yeah don't forget. I want something sexy and curvy. You know what I mean." He smacked my ass making a woman nearby look at us. "Fuck you looking at? Can't touch my girl's ass?"

The woman walked away.

"Brian! That wasn't nice." I said smacking his arm.

"Aye, what I told you bout that hitting shit." He said. I grabbed the white MK wallet walking past him. "You wearing this purse Friday?"

I sighed. The more he asks, the more nervous I get.

"I don't know yet Brian. You'll see Friday." I told him

"Aight bet well I'm about to go meet up with my sister nem, ima see you later." He kissed my forehead and I smelled his cologne. It smelled so good. I love when dudes have good smelling cologne on.

"Okay, byee."

I watched him walk away. Damn, he's so fine.

"Your total is $630.02."


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