61 { Leaving }

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The Next Morning..


I woke up earlier this morning to make my baby a big breakfast before he leaves. This is something I always do before he leaves for his tours.

I looked at my time seeing it was 5:20. I sighed looking out the window while waiting for the bacon to finish. I felt my tears coming down my face.

"What you crying for babe?" I heard Christopher asked snaking his arms around me.

I jumped. "CHRIS DON'T DO THAT!" I exclaimed hitting his chest. He laughed kissing my lips sitting on the counter. "I told you bout scaring me like that."

"Alright, I'm sorry. So what are you crying for?" He fixed my shirt standing between my legs.

"Because your leaving, duh. You know I always cry when you leave." I whined and he kissed my nose.

"I know, I know. But you know it'll be over before you know it. We're only going to be separate for a week. Come back home , and then we'll be fine."

( A/N : I'm Changing The Tour To Be A Week Instead Of 3 Days. )

"You say that like it's going to be the same for your tour that's going to be a MONTH long." I said. "I'm going to be depressed."

"Teyana now you know I'm not going to leave you and my child here by y'all selves for a month. Devon won't be here because he'll be with me. And you and Cj will too." He said.

"Christopher I'm not bringing my baby to -"

"Teyana it's only California! Nothing will happen out there , I promise. We'll rent a house and all." He said.

"You think me and Cj are going to stay in a big ass house, in another state, while you be working? Hell nah. I already gotta do that shit here."  I refused shaking my head. "For all that, we might as well stay home."

"Invite Amber and Makayla. Vincent coming too so.. yeah. Besides, this tour is like 2 months away, we have alot of time." He said. "And it'll be Cj's first time out of state. Plus it's cold up here, let's go be in Cali for a little while together so we can take him to the beach and allat. You know how he likes water." He added and I laughed

"I'll see." I said.

Cj started crying. "I got him. You get everything situated, alright?" I nodded and he kissed me. "I love you."

"Love you too." He jogged out the kitchen.

"I'M COMING BUBBA!!" I laughed watching Chris run up the stairs.

- - - -

We arrived at the airport. This was the worst part ever. I hate this place. Only time we come here is when Chris is leaving.

We stepped out the Escalade being surrounded by paparazzi. Luckily , we had big guards to block and protect us.

Christopher was holding Cj on his forearm while holding my hand with the other. I kept my head down strutting my walk through the airport.

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