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Later That Night..


I raised up feeling Devon close behind me slightly snoring on my back.

"Devon move fuck!" I yelled pushing him off me.

"Man what the fuck Teyana damn?! Nigga trynna sleep." He groaned.

"Bitch shut up." I said getting out only to be grabbed back into the bed.

Devon threw me over on my stomach and raised my ass in the air. He rammed his 10 inches inside me forcing a loud scream of pain and pleasure.

"What. The. Fuck. I. Told. You. Bout. Calling. Me. That?!" He yelled slamming inside me hard between every word.

"Mmmmm shit Devon!!"


I watched as Devon drew me some bath water with bubbles. I smiled.

"What you smiling for?" He asked laughing at me and smoking his blunt. I shook my head taking the blunt out his hand and took a few puffs. "Damn, just take my shit. Bet."

"I have work tonight. I need you to bring me back to the mall so I can get my car." I said. "Would've been resdy if you wouldn't have wanted to fuck again." I said blowing smoke in his face.

"Maybe if you watch what the fuck you say to me all that would've been avoided. But you to regain ya' strength before my brother sees you limping and shit." He laughed

I rolled my eyes, "Shut up. You can't say shit about this. It's going to stop soon anyways because I want to be tied down to Christopher not Christopher and fucking his brother." I explained.

"Fuck I look like telling me for? And if you think this is over you got another thing coming. You know you can't resist this dick." He said biting his lip and grabbing his package.

He was right though. I am addicted to his sex.

"Whatever." I laughed saying looking away and continued smoking the blunt.

"Why you didn't dance tonight?" I looked up seeing Honey.

"Because I was nearly paralyzed by this nigga's dick." Is what I wanted to say but it wasn't her business.

"Oh, I didn't feel like it. Plus my legs were hurting." I answered.

She smirked at me, "How?"

I looked at her and laughed. "None of your business. All I did was drinks, gave 3 niggas some head, and some time at the bar." I said.

"Wait, so your leaving?" I nodded grabbing my duffle bag and slipped on some tights with my Nike shoes. "Bitch already? What you ina rush for? Got a dick appointment."

I laughed. "Nahh, this guy is coming get me." I told her.

"Awee you found you a nigga? Pussy whipped. But listen if it don't work out, you already know what's going on over here." She said grabbing my ass.

I smiled and she kissed me. I kissed her back and felt her tongue slowly slide into my mouth. I grabbed her waist pushing her against the table. She hopped ontop and I put my duffle bag down kissing her neck.

"Mm, shit daddy." Honey moaned. I continued to kiss her sweet neck and finger her wet pussy.

After doing Honey for a bit, I walked out the club and waited in the parking lot for Chris to pull up. 5 minutes later,  noticed Christopher's black Lamborghini slowly drive up. I stood up and put my bag in the back seat. I then climbed into the passenger's seat pecking Chris's cheek.

"Guess what I got."

"What?" I asked.

He showed me two McDonald bags. I smiled hella hard. "Yayyy!!!" I grabbed my bag and kissed his cheek. He laughed.

"How was work?" He asked pulling off.

I shrugged, "Alright. As usual." I said eating some fries.

"What did you buy from the mall?" He smirked glancing at me.

"I brought your brother." Is what I wanted to say but I didn't want fuck shit up.

"Just some clothes and some lingerie." I answered looking through Snapchat.

"Oh yeah? Gon' have to show me that tonight." He winked. I laughed looking away shaking my head.

Christopher intertwined our fingers and kissed my hand. I smiled watching him.

"How long did this took to grow?" I asked pulling his beard a little.

"A good 2 years." He said stroking his beard.

"What made you want to grow one? You don't see many guys with them now. Well they're trying to grow them now." I said.

"Because it's what attract the ladies," He smirked. I smacked my lips pushing him off of me. He laughed grabbing my waist pulling me close to him. "I'm just playing, I'm just playing. You know I don't want nobody but you." He said kissing my cheek repeatedly like a baby.

"I don't want nobody but you either Chrissy!" I said and he laughed.

"That name." We kissed. "You know my brother thinks he know you." He said and Devon's face appeared in my mind.

"W-What? What's his name?" I laughed asking.

"Devon. Hollup, I got a pic." He pulled out his phone. "Here." He showed me the picture of Devon. He was fine as shit in it.

"Nope, don't know him." I lied and he smiled.

"Phew! Good. For a second I thought you did fuck him because he said he knew alot of Teyanas." I shook my head.

That nigga nasty. He fucks every woman in New York.

"Well not me." I responded. "Hey, can we play a game?" Christopher looked at me from his phone.

"What kind of game?" He asked.

I smirked sitting ontop of him and wrapped my arms around his neck taking off his shirt.

"Ohhh, this gamee." I gigged nodding. "In that case, let's play till we get tired." He flipped us over.


Teyana Making The Situation Worded By Lying To Chris.

Will Teyana and Devon's Secret Be Revealed?

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