52 { Sneaky Woman }

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That Evening..


Ever since I got that text message from Terrence couple hours ago, I couldn't stop thinking about what he could possibly be talking about.

I'm praying that he didn't find out about Christopher and I.

* * *

"Boo why you look so nervous?" Makayla asked snapping me out my thoughts.

"Just .. nervous , thas' all." I said looking back out the window.

"Tey I don't think Terrence kno' about you and Christopher. I kno' fa a fact that Chris didn't say shit because Chris ain't that petty. Specially since he trynna save shit wit you. And Terrence, I don't kno' maybe he coming admit sum sneaky shit." She shrugged and I smacked my lips.

"I don't think it's nothing had Makay , but you neva' kno. When Christopher is mad , he'll say anything to piss that person off." I informed. She looked back at the road.

"So how was it,"

"How was what?" I asked.

"Bitch don't act like you don't know. THE SEX BITCH! HOW WAS THE FUCKING SEX?!" She yelled and laughed.

"I mean .. I did get pregnant right? And I did cheat on Terrence wit Chris right?"  Her mouth dropped as she stopped at the red light.

"OMGG!!" We both laughed.

"Ian gon' lie sis, but I do like you sit Christopher mo' than what I like you wit Terrence. You need someone that's not from Louisiana anyways." She said.

I looked out the window without saying anything. She had a point, but I wasn't trying to break Terrence's heart.

I love Terrence, but I also  still love Christopher.

And cheating on Terrence WITH CHRISTOPHER made me want Chris even more.

What am I gonna do?

* * *

Getting back to the hotel, Makayla and I separated to our rooms. We decided to meet downstairs bekfre we leave so we can all leave and go to the party at the same time.

I went to our door knocking on it and waited for Terrence to open it. After standing there for about 5 Minutes without any response, I took my phone out and called him.


I was sitting down at the food court eating when my phone started ringing. I looked seeing Teyana calling.

"Wassup." I answered.

"Terrence whea'  you at? I'm knocking at the do' and its been like 10 Minutes and you haven't answer yet!"

"Thas because I'm not thea' Teyana.." I said looking around.

"Where you at nigga?! I need to start getting ready and you playing! And where's my baby?"

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