83 { I'm Sorry }

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The Next Day 🌞...

{ Teyana }

We walked into Mister and Mrs's house. They were sitting on the couch.

"Mama, Dad," They looked back at us and their eyes widened.

"Omggg!!!" Mama Tee yelped. She hugged me and Cj tightly while crying. I even started crying. I then gave Cj to Mama Tee and hugged Mr. Lawrence.

"Where were you guys?" He asked.

"Miami. I don't know how I got down there. I just don't want to go back. I missed being up here to be honest. And I want to apologize for the extreme behavior I acted. Christopher told me what I did and I'm extremely embarrassed. I would never do anything like that, to anyone. I hope you guys can really forgive me." I pleaded.

"Oh baby, it's fine. We forgive you. I know that wasn't you , it's fully understandable. I was just so scared for my life, Lawrence's life, Cj's life, and even yours hunny." Mama Tee said.

"We're just glad you guys are safe. That's all that matters." Mr. Lawrence said.

"Alright now that all of that is squashed, we have something else to tell y'all." Chris said. I looked at him and he nodded giving me a calm look.

"Yeaa.." I added.

"So Teyana had to get rushed to the hospital because she was bleeding alot. We brought her to the hospital, and turns out .. Teyana was pregnant. But .. she lost the baby from alcohol and high levels of stress." Christopher explained.

I got a little teary eyed just from hearing him talk about the whole situation.

"W-What.." Mama Tee and Mr. Lawrence said at the same time.

"Your .. kidding right?" Mr. Lawrence asked.

"Daddy why would we be joking about something this serious?" Chris asked.

Mama Tee started crying again.

_ _

After all the tears and everything, we all went out for lunch.

"What a lovely day. With my husband, son, my daughter in law, and my beautiful grandbaby." Mama Teee smiled as we took our seats. We were eating at Texas Roadhouse for the evening.

I was starving and ready to eat.

"So Chris when's your next show?" Mama Tee asked.

{ Christopher }

"Um .. I'm taking a little break right now. I want to focus on my family and making sure they're straight first." Teyana grinned at me and I smiled.

"So have you guys thought about marriage?" My mom asked. I looked at her seeing her smiling.

"Mama.." I said.

"What? I'm just asking. I already got one wish granted, and that was to a grandma." She smiled at Cj. "And now I want for you to marry Teyana and make her a Mrs. Smith."

I laughed then looked at Teyana. She had the same expression as me.

"Mama Tee we're sorta working on us first before all of that. Right Chris?"

"Y-Yeah.." I said.

"Well are you guys at least thinking about marriage?" My dad asked.

Teyana and I looked at each other.

"Yes." Tey said.

"No." I said.

We both said at the same time. Everyone got quiet looking at me. I looked at Teyana. We had opposite answers.

"You .. don't want to marry me?" She whispered and her eyes started watering.

"No Tey it's not like that I -" She stood up walking away from the table and out the doors of the restaurant.

I sighed looking back at my parents.

"What you still sitting here for? Go chase her!" My dad said. I gave my mom Cj standing up. He started whining reaching for me.

"Daddy will be right back baby." I said kissing his forehead and walked to the exit following Teyana.

Damn man.


What's Going To Happen Next?

Christopher Really Not Thinking About Marriage Or Did He Just Answer Too Fast?

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