20 { Not In The Mood }

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I laid in my bed naked, pulling the covers over me. I just got out the shower and didn't feel like putting on any clothes. I'm not feeling good, my heart hurts, I don't want to do shit today.

Knock Knock!

"Come in.." I said and Makayla walked in with her MacBook computer.

"Hey boo." She said getting in the bed with me.

"Hey.." I said back.

"What's wrong? You look sick." She said looking at me and I shrugged laying my head on my pillow lazily closing my eyes.

"I feel like shit Makayla. Christopher wants to go out, I don't want to do that any more. Then ontop of that, Terrence came earlier."

Makayla sighed, "Oh yeah, I heard that all the way up here. Specially ya little jealous boyfriend Christopher. Poor Terrence, he's going to have a rough time. If you ask me, I think T is feeling you. Didn't yall date?" She laughed.

"What? No! We just messed around. You know friends with benefits." I smirked saying closing my eyes again. I was becoming tired. At least that's  what I was feeling. My body was telling me I'm tired when my mind just wanted to be out today.

"Yeah and he would flirt with you. Many of times. Now he's back then you fucking Chris too? Child good luck with that." She said patting my arm.

"Fuck you. I told you I don't like Terrence like that." I argued.

"Yeah right. I see the way y'all talk and the way you blush when he tell you stuff. Hoe you ain't slick. It's very clear Teyana." 

"Its very clear that I don't see Terrence as being my boyfriend, fuck buddy, or anything, but a friend. See Christopher, that's a whole different story. He's all that in one. Well not the boyfriend part but you know!" I stuck my tongue out and Makayla laughed.

"Girl bye! You know you and Chris go together the way y'all be posted up and everything. Don't even hide the shit. Especially the way he give you that dick. Bitch I never heard you so loud! Even when you fucking other niggas!" She said and my mouth dropped. I playfully pushed her.

"I do not!" I giggled denying.

The door opened and Christopher walked in.

"Uggh, now you in my bed too? I hope you took a shower." He told Makayla and she flipped him off rolling her eyes. I frowned. I didn't know what was going on.

"Wait what?" I asked confused.

They both looked at me, "Ya nosey ass boyfriend here walked in on me and Vin fucking on the counter. Scared the fuck outta me." She said hitting Chris.

"Didn't I tell you that's not my man? And you and Vinny still fucking on the counter? BITCH WE GOTTA EAT THERE!" I said. Christopher mugged me.

"Ole well. Y'all a couple now, your going to feel the eager to fuck everywhere around the house just like we do." She said laughing and ran out the bedroom. She knew I was about to hit her ass.

Christopher closed the door locking it then looked at me. He climbed in the bed hovering over me.

"So, I'm not ya boyfriend huh?" He asked kissing my neck.

"Chris stop, I'm not in the moood." I whined.

"Stop telling yaself that. You know who owns this pussy?" He grabbed a handfull of my kitty and i screamed and slapped his arm hard as hell making him groan loudly.

"FUCK TEYANA!" He said rubbing the spot and I rolled my eyes. I wasn't fucking playing.

"I told yo' ass. You don't fucking listen." I fussed getting back under my white covers.

"You want me to leave you alone?" He asked.

"Yea, please." I said closing my eyes.

"Aight. So I'm guessing we not going anywhere today e -"

"Nope." I cut him off saying.

"Why not?" He whined.

"Christopher shut up and get out please." I said bluntly. He was working my fucking nerves.

I wanted to smack the fuck outta him. That's how I'm feeling right now.

"Aight whatever. Call me if you need anything."

"I won't .." I said back and he walked out.

Fuck this whole day.


I don't know what's going on with Teyana but she was being a real bitch. I didnt mean to call her out like that but it's the truth.

She know she mine and I'm hers. Ain't gotta have no official title.

Since she's tired and everything, I'm going to take the time to go ahead and check on my clubs and see how they doing.

"Aye I'm finna go check on my clubs and everything. Lemme know if some up with Tey." I told Vincet and Makayla.

"Where is she?" He asked.

"Upstairs sleep. She might be sick, she was real moody."  I said shrugging grabbing my keys and slides.

"Oh okay. Be safe." We dapped and I side hugged Makayla then left. I took my phone out seeing a message from Bianca.

Bianca : " Since you want to show off and everything about my baby, be at this doctor's office tomorrow so I can show your stupid ass that YOU ARE KAMRON'S FATHER! "

She sent me the address and I rolled my eyes not even texting back. I went to my brother's contact texting him telling him to meet me at one of my clubs.


What's Teyana Problem?

DNA Test..

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