19 { Jealous }

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The Next Day...


The Next Morning, I woke up early to make Teyana and I some breakfast. When I made it downstairs I heard whispering and clapping noise. I turned the corner looking seeing Vincet and Makayla fucking on the counter.

Makayla looked at me and her eyes popped out her head and she screamed. "OH SHIT!" I yelled covering my eyes and turning my back to them

"FUCK MAN, WHAT THE HELL CHRIS?!" Vincet yelled and I heard him put his self away.

"Omg this is do embarrassing." Makayla said.

"Y'all shoulda took that shit upstairs. Fucking nasties. I don't even want to eat there no more." I said covering my eyes still hearing footsteps run upstairs.

"Ain't nobody told yo big ass head to come down here anyways. And nobody be saying shit when you and Teyana be knocking the pictures off the wall in the hall ways, so cut that shit." He said taking my hands off my eyes.

"Man whatever. At least we don't do it on shit that people eat on."

Ding Dong!

I walked to the door rubbing my bare chest and opened the door seeing the dude that Teyana claims in her "good friend from New Orleans".

"Wassup man,  who you?" I asked him.

He looked me up and down. "Nahh nigga, who is you at my girl's place like this? I know Vincet and Makayla live here but I don't know who you are." He said.

I bust out laughing and looked back at Vincet.

"Is this dude serious man? Talking bout thats go girl, nigga stop lying." I said.

"She is my girl fuck you mean. Better ask her."

"Nahh nigga you ask her who her real nigga is. It's me! We been rocking for a good a month or 2. We stopped talking for a good week and that's she started talking back to you. Don't get comfortable man. I was just all up in that last night. She mine bro. You just a good friend from New Orleans." He mugged me and I walked to the stairs. "Matter fact lemme go wake up my baby girl right now."

I opened Teyana's door walking inside seeing her still sleeping. We had a long night and I knocked that ass out.

I rubbed her thighs kissing her neck. She moaned pushing me a little.

"Mm, baby not right now." She said.

"Baby get up. Ya friend from New Orleans here and I'm bouta beat his ass." 

She raised up. "What? What is he doing here?" She got up putting on a robe and headed for the door.

"Wait might wanna put ya hair up." I smirked looking at her messy nappy hair.

She rolled her eyes brushing her hair into a sloppy pony tail and walked downstairs.

I followed seeing this nigga still here.

"Terrence what are you doing here?" Teyana said rubbing the crust out her eyes.

"Tey baby, I came to see you. I wanted to talk to you about something." He said walking over to Teyana and grabbed her hands.

Teyana looked at me and Vincet meaning to leave out.

"Don't touch her in any kind of way that'll make me -"

"Christopher, stop." Teyana said pushing my chest. I looked at her and pecked her lips then looked at the dude smirking.

"Mines." I said and smacked Teyana's ass. She laughed shaking her head and Vincet and I went upstairs to the game room.

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