35 { Celebrity Hoe }

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- Christopher -

By time we got to the party, Cj woke up. He woke up just in time too. Took him a good cat nap. I got out my truck and walked to the back. I picked Cj up out his seat and he yawned laying his head on my chest. I kissed his forehead and rubbed his back. I then reached in his seat grabbing his pacifier. I closed the door and reached in the front grabbing his diaper bag.

I put it around my shoulder and then walked to the door. I knocked inside seeing Chris's family here and some of Royalty's Mom, Winter here. Some of her people were here too but not too many.

And of course Chris had friends over and they kids. I even seen some of his groupiea here with they bad ass kids. 

* * *

"Hey Christopher." Chris's mom, Ms. Sheila said.

"Wassup Ms. Sheila," I responded.

"Awee is this little Cj? He's soo adorable! Can I hold him?" She asked looking at Cj. Cj just stared at her.

"Yeah, you can hold him. He might cry though.." I warned handing him to her. He looked at Ms. Sheila then back at me. I notice him poking him bottom lip.

"See, he's -"

Just then Cj started crying and reaching for me.

"Told you." I said taking him from her laughing and he stopped crying. I wiped his eyes and kissed his cheek.

"Don't tell me you and Teyana spoiled him already?" She asked looking at Cj and rubbing his back.

"In my offense, I didn't. But he loves his daddy so," I shrugged and she laughed.

"How are you and Teyana anyways? Are y'all working things out?"

I shook my head looking at Cj. "I'm not giving up though." I said and she smiled.

"That's good. You shouldn't. Y'all have a child together and raising this child together can bring you guys closer together." She explained pointing at Chris Jr and I nodded.

"Yes ma'am." I said side hugged her. "I'll see you later. I'm going find Chris." I said.

"He should be upstairs. I think he's still getting ready." I nodded making my way upstairs to give him the money for Ro.

As I was making my way upstairs, I started hearing things hitting the wall. Even though music was booming downstairs, you could still here the frames hitting the wall.

I stood infront of Chris's door hearing the noise coming from his room and a loud clapping noise as well.

"Mmm Chris, waittt!!" I heard the female say.

"Fuck Winter? What now?! We gotta hurry up and finish!" Chris exclaimed.

I laughed shaking my head walking back downstairs. I knew they were going to still be fucking around. Chris always bragging like he don't want Winter and how he wasn't going to ever fuck her again.

Nigga was lying.

I knocked on the door, "Who is it?!!" Chris yelled.

"Its me, Chris. When y'all finish with y'all nasty asses, come find an and get this money for RoRo." I said and heard the both of them laugh.


* * *

I walked through the backyard and made my way over to Devon. He was by the other guys that were here and a few women.

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