22 { Results }

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"Pregnant?! Bitch what!" I yelled.

"What, you acting like you don't want to be pregnant by me. Plus that could be the answer because we don't use protection. I always went in raw." Christopher smirked.

"You said you pulled out you bastard!" I said hitting him with my pillow.

"Damn we didn't even take the tests yet! We have to make sure first. And I could've sworn I pulled out. They must've snuck up in there." He smirked and Makayla scrunched her face.

"I don't want to hear y'all talk about y'all sex!" She said pushing us both.

I glared at her. "Touch me again."

"See that's what I'm talking about. You was just crying, now you ready to kill me. Bitch I'm going to be a nannyyy!" She squealed doing a danced and I flipped her off.

"I'm going to be a daddyy!!" Christopher cheered doing the same dance.

"Both of y'all shut the fuck up! I'm not pregnant and I'll take the test to prove it you sons of bitches!" I yelled. "Now get the hell out so I can put something on." I told them.

"You hear Makayla, get the hell out." Christopher said in a female voice dragging her out the bed by her hair.

"BITCH MOVE!" Makayla yelled laughing kicking Christopher.

I laughed at them both. Specially Christopher. He was soo funny and the way he messed with Makayla was funny too because she would always get mad.

"Ima get Vincet on your buff ass watch," She pointed at Chris.

"Already had that, ask him." He said flipping his imaginary weave and I continued laughing.

Makayla laughed walking out the bedroom and I got out my bed walking past Chris to my closet.

"What you finna put on?" He asked me.

"Nun fancy. Just going to the front and back." I said slipping on some Nike tights. 


I watched as Teyana out on her tights seeing her ass peaked out her shirt when she pulled them up.

She turned around looking at me, "Stopping staring at me." She blushed saying walking past me.

I smirked following her out the closet turning off the light and grabbed my keys off the night stand.

"Which pregnancy test should I buy?" Teyana asked looking at the shelf of pregnancy test. I shrugged.

I didn't know what the fuck I was looking for and she was asking me this shit.

"I would recommend buying 4 different boxes. You know, to be sure that your pregnant." Someone said. We both turned around seeing Bianca and Princess. Bianca was in her phone while Princess was smirking at is.

I rolled my eyes. She would be the one to know since she's claiming she's pregnant with my brother's baby.

"I wouldn't do it but since I don't feel like arguing, I am." Teyana said grabbing some tests.

"Oh so your pregnant now? Wow, not surprised. Gonna end up just like me." Bianca said laughing and Princess laughed along with her.

"Bianca don't even start that shit. I actually could have the chance to being pregnant by Christopher. Something that you wished happened to you." Teyana smirked. "Come on babe, let's leave these basic hoes." I laughed wrapping my arm around Teyana. You could feel the tension between the women.

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