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After laying Cj in my bed , I went to the bathroom that I had in my bedroom taking a hot shower. After that , I brushed my waves and then put my Durag on my head. I slipped my shorts and American Eagle briefs on them walked out my bathroom in my bedroom.

Cj was still sleeping which was amazing because he was going to be waking up in 4 more hours for his feeding time.

I got in my bed sighing kissing my son's forehead and then got under the covers. I grabbed my phone seeing mutiple texts from different women that I fucked, emails, notifications, and a text from some artists about working in the studio.

Just as I was about to put my phone back, a FaceTime call from Brittney came through.

"What Brittney." I answered not really in the mood. But if I didn't answer her, she would've blown my shit up.

"Poppa what's wrong with you?"

"Look go head wit those weird ass names Brittney and stop hitting up my phone. I don't want you! I don't want no relationship , hangouts , sex , nothing! So stop fucking texting and calling me!"

She rolled her eyes. "Christopher please , you just saying that because you see that Terrence and Teyana are HAPPILY together. She moved on Christopher! So should you! Your only still communicating because of that baby that probably isn't even yours!"

"How fucking dare you try to say my son is for another nigga?! I know who is for and he is for me! Look at this shit," I flipped the camera over to Cj seeing him still sleeping. "That's all my fucking blood bitch. You just mad because I had a child with somebody else and I'm not interested in yo' ugly black ass. Yo shit was loose as fuck anyways. I wouldn't dare try to fuck you again."

On that note, I hung up my phone.

After talking to her thirsty ass, it's making me more upset that Teyana is actually with someone else.

Terrence at that.

I need to get rid of this nigga and I need to do it fast before he try marrying her or some shit.

* * *

I put my hands behind my head and looked up at the ceiling. I then looked over at Cj next to me. He was a mixture of me and Teyana. Mostly me, but you get the picture.

My phone dinged. I looked seeing a text message from Teyana.

Teyana ❤🔐: " Have my baby boy ready for 3:40. "

Me : " Why so early? "

Teyana ❤🔐: " We got a plane to catch Chris. Just have him ready please. "

I didn't even text back. I haven't changed her name because that's still mine.

Teyana and I both know that we love each other and she know she doesn't love Terrence like she loves me.


"You told him?" Terrence asked starting the car.

I locked my phone. "Yeah. I don't think he'll text back but ole way." I shrugged my shoulders looking out the window.

"We need to get all the rest we can get befo' this lonnng plane."

"You have first class tickets?"

"Nope." I looked at him seeing him smirking.

I know damn well he is not going to have me and my baby sitting close to stinky sweaty people.

"What the hell you mean no? Terrence ian getting on that plane if -"

"Teyana , Teyana! Chill!" He laughed. I rolled my eyes. "I got us sum better than those first class tickets."

"Like what?" I asked.

"Private jet." He said.

I looked at him. "WHAT?!" I yelled.

"You heard me , renting a private jet to Louisiana and back." He glanced at me then back at the road.

"Ion believe you.." I said shaking my head looking out the window again.

Terrence is always playing around and trying to tell jokes so I damn sure don't believe his ass right now.

"Why you don't believe me? You suppose to trust yo' man." He grabbed my thigh and then my pussy making me jump up.

"Terrence stop!" I said moving his hand.

"Nahh you got smot' ass mout', talk tht shit na' Teyana!" He gelled grabbing my thigh again.

I laughed pinching his arm making him yell.

"I SAID STOP!" I giggled looking at him and pulled my dress down.

"I said stopp!!" He mocked me then kissed my cheek. I mushed his head away from me. "Stop pushing ma head you kno' I don't like that shit."

"Stop pushing ma bead you kno' i don't like that shit." I mocked him then stuck my middle finger in his face.

"You lucky you got nails on , but its cool. Just be prepared for yo' punishment tonight." He threatened.

"Nigga ain' nobody grtting punished shit. We have a flight to catch at 4 so you -"

"Teyana we'll get on that jet! It don't matta' to me anyways. You kno' I don't give a fuck. I'll even fuck you ona jet if I have to." He said harshly. Lord knows my panties were starting to soak up.

And he's dead ass serious too. When Terrence wants something, he always gets it. No matter what, that nigga won't stop until he get what he wants.

"This is going to be a long night.." I sighed.

"I'm  sorry , what was that? I couldn't hear you.". He asked stopping at the red light leaning over to me holding his ear.


"Yeah a long ass night fa' you. Might as well get out and stretch na' while we at this red light. You gon' need it because those legs are going North, South, East, and West."

I laughed looking away watching him move around his long arms. He is something else I swear. His bright ass lucky he's cute.


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