10 { You }

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Later That Night...


"Aight man, see y'all later." I told Vincet and Makayla as they walked out the door. They were going somewhere tonight. I think to a party. I wanted to go, but Teyana needs me and I don't want for her to be alone.

I grabbed my phone calling Dominoes and ordered Teyana and I something to eat. I went back upstairs and she jumped looking at me.

I laughed , "Chill. It's just me." I said. She sat up.

"Christopher what are you doing here? I thought you was going to the party with Vincet and Makayla." She moved strains of hair behind her ear.

I got in the bed and she laid her head on my chest.

"I wanted to, but I decided to stay here with you instead. I didn't want you staying home alone knowing some nigga was after you. I'm going to protect you no matter what." I said kissing her forehead. She looked up at me.

"Really?" I nodded and she blushed. I smiled. She was so beautiful man.

"Awee, look at you blushing and shit. Don't hide it, your too beautiful to be hiding those dimples." I poked her cheeks and she laughed.

"That was sweet Christopher, for real. But I'm not beautiful. At least not anymore, look at my eye. It's ugly. My whole face is now u -" I cut her off smashing my lips into her giving her a soft peck on the lips hushing her mouth. 

"Shh, I don't want to ever hear you say that again. You hear me? Your beautiful and don't let no one tell you different. I don't care if you had your whole face jacked up, you would still be beautiful to me. And I want for you to know that." I expressed and she wiped a tear from her eye.

"Great. Now you got me crying." She said laughing sitting up.

"Because I meant that Teyana. I don't know what's attracting me to you but I don't want for it to stop. I literally just met you and already falling for you."

"Even after knowing my past?"

"I don't care about your past. Your past is called a past for a reason. Your not going back to that, neither am I. We're going to focus on the future and hopefully try to make this work."  I held her hand.

"Christopher why? Why me? I know you have women throwing themselves at you. Women that are faithful and way better than me. Women that don't have a past of being a hoe. Why fall for me though?"

"Like I said before, your past is your past. As long as you don't go back to that past, we're all good. And look at you, your beautiful, funny, sexy, and I really enjoy being around you. Trust me , all you have to do is let me show you that I can make this work and you won't regret it." She looked away. I turned her face back to me with my finger making her look at me. "What's wrong?"

"It's his just that relationships never work out for me. I always end up getting hurt in the end and looking stupid. That's why I would always sleep around with men. I liked the way it felt. And now hearing this from you, it's almost the same thing I've heard before. I don't want you to hurt me like they did." I wiped year from her black eye and kissed her cheek.

"I'm not those guys Teyana. My name is Christopher Jospeh. I will show you ma that I'm really serious about this. I'm already ready to make you my girlfriend." She laughed.

"Your so -"

Ding Dong!

She frowned looking at the time then back at me. "You excepting somebody?"

I laughed getting out the bed. "I ordered us some food."

I jogged downstairs and grabbed the money off the counter walking to the door. Opening it, the pizza guy handed me out food and chocolate chip cookie pie.

"Thanks man, keep the change. And take this." I handed him a $50 tip. He smiled at me. He looked young and he deserved it. Probably his job so why not.

I grabbed Teyana and I something to drink and jogged back upstairs. She looked at me and smiled putting her phone down.

"Fooooddd!!!" She screamed like a little kid. I laughed shaking my head.

For the rest of the night Teyana and I ate food, talked, made out, then went to bed. I didn't want to he bothered with anyone today. Tey is all I need.


Christopher and Teyana's Future..

Do You Think Christopher Will Be Like Past Guys Teyana Been With?

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