84 { Truth }

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{ Teyana }

Embarrassed and completely hurt by Christopher's answer, I just stood up storming out the restaurant. I ran to the car standing by the door and broke down crying.

Even though Chris and I been through so much, I still thought he had marriage somewhere in our future. There would be times when he would tell me about marriage at home, but now that we're in his parents' face, he's saying no?

I'm totally confused right now.

_ _

"Teyana wait up!" I heard Chris yell. He came by me trying to touch my arm.

"Chris don't touch me, move." I nudged him off sniffing.

"Baby come here. I didn't mean it like that." He said stepping closer to me.

"Christopher you told me at home you was going to marry me in the future, what you just told your parents, isn't the same thing you told me at home! Then you hesitated when I asked you." I cried looking at him then looked away.

"Teyana I didn't fucking mean it!" He said.

"YOU DIDN'T ACT LIKE IT!" I yelled in his face. "It's almost like you lied to me Chris. You lied." I wiped the tears from my eyes.

"Baby girl come here," He said grabbing my hand. I sighed sitting on the couch but not looking in Christopher's face. "Teyana look at me."

"I don't want to.."

"Tey.." He turned my face so that we were looking on each other's eyes. I was trying to look away but it was like he had a lock on my eyes that I couldn't. "Baby I really didn't mean it like that. You know I love you, and you know I want to marry you in the future and make you my wife."

"Then why did you say no when your parents asked?"

"I saying no as in right now, no I'm not thinking about it right now. I want to work on this first. I want to go back to the way we were when we first started dating. Before Cj came." I sighed. "Don't think I don't want to marry you Teyana because I do. You're going to be surprise when I ask you." He said. "I love you baby and I don't want no other female but you, alright?" I nodded. "Can I have a kiss now?"

I laughed, "I don't know. Can you?"

"If you asking me that, I'll be asking for more." He smirked and I laughed playfully pushing him.

"Stop being nasty." I said getting off the hood of the car. "Come on let's go back inside before our food gets cold."

"Yea and you know I don't like my food cold. I'll send that shit back to the kitchen."

I laughed and Christopher grabbed my hand making our way back inside the restaurant.

{ Christopher }

"Okay you guys are holding hands , y'all must've fixed y'all problem." My mom said.

"Yea. It was just a misunderstanding. But, we're good now." I said pulling Teyana's chair out and she sat down across from my dad who was feeding Cj mashed potatoes. One of his favs.

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