79 { Going Crazy }

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4:30 AM..

{ Teyana }

I've been drinking all night. I'm feeling so good just roaming around this big ass house while naked. I started missing my baby boy so i slipped on one of Chris's shirts and some panties then went to my closet grabbing my sandals.

I looked at my clock seeing it was 4:30. Oh shit, Christopher wants me gone! 😂

Fuck that nigga, he can eat my fucking asshole for all I care. Stupid dumb ugly ass bitch. I tried calling his phone and texting him.  I know he seen them because it said he read them. I'm done crying over his ass.

After slipping that on, I dragged myself to my closet again stuffing some clothes in multiple of my travel bags. I didn't take everything though. Just about 3 suitcases full of good stuff and jewelry.

I then went to Cj's room grabbing his stuff as well.

What? Y'all thought I was going to leave my baby with Christopher?


_ _

"B-Bye Bye house!!" I yelled and giggled closing the door behind me. I walked to the G Wagon getting inside and throwing my stuff in the back.

After, I started the car and just sat there for a moment trying to sober up a little. I'm a little woosey. When I'm like that and I'm about to drive, I sit there and wait before actually moving so I can focus.

_ _

Getting to Mama Tee's nem house, I knocked on the door. Moments later, she opened rubber her eyes squinting.

"Hey Mama Tee!!" I squealed hugging her. "Omg, you smell so good." I groaned.

"Teyana, are you okay? Its 4 in the morning!!" She whispered.

"Oh I know Mama Tee. I just came to get Cj and head home," I grinned. She frowned.

"At 4:30 in the morning Teyana? Where's Christopher?" She asked crossing her arms.

"Oh Chris? .. He's um .. at the house yeah." I giggled saying running my hand through my hair.

"Teyana have you been drinking?" She asked stepping a little closer to me.

"What? No! Woman why are you stepping up to me like that?! Where's my son so I can go!" I yelled getting a little upset. I swear people need to mind their fucking business.

"Teyana your drunk, and not in your right stage of mind. I'm not letting you take Cj out there in the truck. I don't think it's safe."

"He's my son! I miss him so much! Christopher isn't talking to me, he's threatening me to leave the house before he gets back, I don't even know if we're still togtsher at this point!" I cried.


"NOTHING! I said too much already. Can I just please have my son, and I'll be on my way."

"Teyana, no. I can't -" I pushed past her storming in the house up the stairs. "TEYANA!" She called. I blocked her ass out jogging to Cj's room they had here. "LAWRENCE!"

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