17 { Considerations }

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A Week Later...


I grabbed my lighter lighting up my blunt and took a good puff passing it to my brother.

"When was the last time you talked to Teyana?" Devon asked.

I shrugged, "About a week. Man I miss her ass."

He laughed. "Can't tell she misses you. She fucking with another nigga now." I looked at him frowning.

"What? How you know?"

He stood up, "Social media bro. Social media." He said handing me the blunt. "But look, I'm finna head out. Got this fine ass redbone coming to the crib right quick. Ima fuck witchu later." We dapped and Devon left out the house. I sat back down finishing the blunt while on Instagram scrolling through Teyana's profile.

Her most recent picture was with another dude. I clicked the picture. Her and the dude was on each other at the mall. He had his arm around her waist and she was smiling with her back to him.

What the fuck?

I don't know who this nigga is but he gonna disappear if he keeps touching her like this.

This explains why she ain't been hitting me up. I told this chick everything about me and for her to just give up on what we had is fucked up.

But it's not going go stop me. I'm gonna win Teyana's heart before that nigga do.

I closed out of Instagram and called a fancy restaurant.

"Thank you for calling Dean's Buffet, this is Janet speaking. How many I help you?" The woman asked.

"Yeah I would like to make a reservation tonight for two."


I lied about having some bitch come over to Chris because I need to pay Teyana a visit.

I seen the picture with Teyana and ole boy about 3 days ago. It made me mad because she all over my bro dick and then all over this nigga's now.

My lil brother is head over heels for this hoe. Gotta teach her ass a lesson now.

This why i can't deal with all this relationship shit.


I knocked on the door covering the peep hole.

"WHO IS IT?!" I heard a female voice say. Didn't sound like Teyana's though. I looked again at the address making sure I was at the right apartment.

The door opened and a lightskin chick wit curly hair opened the door. She was aight. She also looked familiar too.

I know her somehow, but don't remember.


"I'm sorry, who are you?" She asked.

"I don't give my name out to strangers. Teyana live here?"

She mugged me. "Yeah, why?" I stepped inside the apartment ignoring her question.

I walked to Teyana's bedroom hearing laughing. I opened the door and she screamed pulling the covers over her half naked body. She only had a bra on. Her hair was damp so she must've just came out the shower.

"Devon?! What the fuck, who let you in?!" She yelled looking at me covering her body. I closed the door locking it behind me.

"That girl with the curly hair. She looks familiar. But that's not what I'm here for." I said.

"Then what are you here for?"

"You." I yanked the covers off her body revealing her naked frame. "Take that bra off. Now!" I ordered taking off my shoes and shirt.

"No Devon get out!" She yelled.

"Not until you do what the fuck I say. You wanna stop hitting up my brother while he depressed about you, I got you." I grabbed her ankles pulling her down making her lay on her back. I spreaded her legs wide holding her ankles still and licked her clit.

"D-Devon n-no, stoppp. I can't." She whispered. I looked up seeing her eyes closed and her mouth formed in an "O" shape. She know she's enjoying this tongue.

After punishing Teyana's ass for 2 hours, we both were exhausted.

"Got a blunt?" She asked.

I nodded grabbing one out my pants lighting it up, taking a puff, then handed it to her.

"You like my brother still?" I asked. She nodded. I pinched her tit making her scream. "Use ya' fucking mouth."

"Yes damn!" She pushed my hand off. I wanted to have her ass begging me to stop digging in her again but a nigga was already tired and my back already scratched up from her shit.

"Then why the fuck you posted up with another nigga on Instagram and shit? Who that nigga is anyways?"

"Don't worry bout that it's none of your fucking business. I told Chris whenever he has the proof that the baby isn't his, we'll see each other. Until then , I'm free to do  whatever I want. Meaning fuck whoever I want."

I shook my head.

How she letting this get to her?

She probably didn't even see a pic of Bianca's kid and hair assuming just because she heard it out another bitch's mouth, the baby is Christopher's.

"You sound real stupid right now. I know my baby brother, he wraps his shit up. That nigga don't have unprotected sex." I said taking my blunt out her hand.

"He's been hiting his pussy raw ever since our first date and still fucks n unprotected." She said laughing.

"Because yo' shit good. You don't see me with protection on do you? But that's not my point. My point is, Bianca is a hoe. That's not Christopher's baby. Take it from me. The whole NY know Blanca is a hoe and they know the baby is for our cousin." I explained. She stayed quiet fiddling with her nails. "All I'm saying is, the baby is NOT for Chris. He would've been taking care of that child. Talk to my dude and stop fucking these other niggas." I said mushing her head.

"I'm glad you said that. Let this be the last time we ever fuck, alright?" She smiled getting out the bed.

"Nahh hell no. I told you already, that shit is mine. With Chris or not with Chris, ima still fuck you." I said smacking her ass watching it jiggle. "Matter fact I'm horny again." I pulled her in the bed and she laughed.

Hopefully she take what the fuck I'm saying serious because I want to see my brother happy, but I also like to fuck his woman. 😏


Devon Must Want His Brother Happy , Cute! ❤

But Still Fucking His Girl 😑😂..

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