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Days Later...


Today was my final day in Miami. Tonight, I'm going get on the plane and heading back home to the family. I'm excited because I miss all my babies. The Tour went well this week. Tara and I hung out a couple times as well. Caught up, and we're good friends.

I met her family and they're pretty cool too. Her daughters are adorable and such cutie pies. Her husband, he's a pretty cool guy. You could see the love between Tara and her husband.

I don't want to come between them but sometimes, it's hard because I keep thinking back to our good times we had.

- - - -

"Yo, you letting Tey meet Tara?" Devon asked .

"I want to, but I'm scared. I don't want her to kill her. Something's up though. And she's not telling me." I said scratching my chin.

The jet started moving. "What you mean something up? With who, Teyana?" Vincent asked.

"Yeah. We got on the phone 3 nights ago, and she was like rushing to get off. I know her ass ain't doing nothing because the cameras don't show shit so I don't know wassup." I said.

The guys frowned. "You stalking her?" They joked around.

"Nigga no! I'm just making sure my family is safe while I'm away." I corrected them. They nodded.

I was kinda confused though. I don't see why Teyana been trynna rush off the phone for the past few days. She never did it before so for her to be doing it now, questions me.

I looked at my phone seeing a text message from Tara.

Tara ☺: " Have a safe trip back home. Can't wait to meet the family soon. 💋"

Me: " Thanks and I can't wait either. I think you and Teyana will actually like you. It was nice meeting your family too. When y'all coming? "

Tara ☺: " I don't know, maybe next week? If your free.."

Me : " I'll talk to Teyana and try to work something out because I should be. "

Tara ☺: " Great. "

I locked my phone and set it on the charger. I sighed laying on the bed I had put in the jet. I had about 4 beds in the jet.

"You'll find out when you get home." Devon said and I looked out the window.

Hope Teyana ain't doing something she ain't got no business doing.


I stopped Cj off at Chris's parents because I just wanted a little time off to myself and think. I know for a fact, I'm not trippin. I know Christopher loves me, I know this. But what I've been seeing over social media, I now question!

To bail you guys in, I recently found out that after Christopher's first show in Miami, he and his ex- girlfriend seen each other and shared a hug. When I seen the photo , I wasn't a fan of it. His hands were too low, and he was smiling at her.

Then they started hanging out days later! Y'all, Social media reveals everything! Christopher a whole fucking rapper out here. He must've forgot he get stalked by paparazzi.

The girl "Tara" or whatever her name is, she's married, has 2 kids, and she's pretty. But she not better than me.

They been out together and all. That explains why everytime I would call Chris, he would say he had to do something but would never tell me.

What pisses me off even more is for one, how hard they smile at each other. And for two, he never told me about any of this. It's almost like he's hiding her from me.

It's cool though, when he gets here, he got a lot of explaining to do.

- - - -

"Girl what's wrong with you? Yoyve been mopping around all day and shit, then you dropped my God baby off to his grandma. I don't fucking get it." Makayla fussed and I sighed.

"His grandparents just wanted him for a little while and I did need a little break since I've been taking care of him by myself for a whole fucking week." I said back.

"Isn't the boys coming back home tonight or something?" I nodded rolling my eyes. "What's wrong? Ya man is coming back home and you look annoyed or something. Am I missing something?"

She must've did see the posts.

"You didn't see the posts with Christopher and his ex-girlfriend hanging out over the tour?"

"Wait hollup, what? Did he tell you?"

I shook my head. "I don't want to think he's cheating Kay, but in the pictures, they were smiling so hard at each other like they were a fucking couple. The thing is though, she's married with 2 daughters. But still, Chris never told me anything and that pisses me off that I have to find out through social media instead of through his ass. He could've been told me about this." I fussed shaking my head.

"Yeah. Your right. Did you are anything about Vincent sneaky ass?"

I shook my head. "Why does it matter? Do you mi -"

"Bitch don't even say it!" Makayla cut me off covering my mouth. I laughed.

"Fuck Vincent." She just said looking at her phone. "All have you know, I'm seeing someone else anyways." She smirked.

"Ouu, who?" I smiled sipping my lemonade.


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