8 { Wrong One }

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Christopher and I were sitting at the table and eating out Chinese food. It was really good and a bitch been craving it.

"Damn girl, slow down." Chris said. I playfully rolled my eyes looking away. My eyes landed directly on the last person I was excepting to see, Brian.

He looked at me and I immediately looked away proceeding to my food. "So, what do you think about your food?"

Christopher looked at me, "It's good. You better eat all you can because I'm not gonna leave out the house to go and get you something to eat."

"You can sit right here." I looked up and seen Brian and another woman sitting next to us.


"You cool? That nigga keep looking at you like he got a problem or something." Christopher said glancing at Brian who had a glare stoned on his face.

"Yeah, I'm about to go to the bathroom right quick, be right back." I got up and walked to the bathroom. I went inside doing my business then got out automatically bumping into someone.

I looked up seeing Brian. "Brian, what are you -"

"This why you never returned my calls for dinner huh? Cause you fucking with another nigga. I knew you was a hoe. I wanted to show you the w -"

I sent a hard slap to his face making him stumble back a little.

"How dare you call me out of my name? You just mad because I ditched your stupid ass for another guy. Unlike you, he's single and -" Brian slapped me back in my face. I fell to the floor holding my face.

He grabbed my hair pulling me up and then I felt a hard sting to my eye. I screamed holding my eye in pain.

"You stuipid bitch! You gonna be mine Teyana, mark my words. If you think I'm playing, just wait. You'll see me again Princess. Trust me. I'm going to have you Teyana. You done fucked with the wrong nigga." He forcefully pushed my face and I cried looking away.

He walked out the bathroom and I stood up looking in the mirror. Looking at my reflection made me break down crying even more.

I looked hideous. I had a red hand print on my cheek and a black eye was forming. This never happened before. No man has ever laid his hands on me.

I grabbed my phone calling Christopher. I didn't want to go out there, not like this anyways.

"Teyana why you -"

"Christopher is that couple sitting next to you still?" I asked cutting him off.

"Y-Yeah, why wassup? What's taking you so long?"

"Christopher I need you to come get me please." I cried into the phone. The line went dead then a couple seconds later the door flew open and Chris ran to me.

"Omg what happened to you?! Who did this!!" I continued to cry shaking my head. "Did he do it?" I nodded already knowing he was talking about Brian. He clenched his jaws and hands. "I'm swear I'm going to kill his -"

"No please, don't! He's dangerous and I don't want anything happening to you. Can we just ...leave." I pleaded. He stared at me then sighed nodding his head and then kissed mine.

"Come on, hide in my chest. I don't want you looking at him." He helped me up carrying me bridal style out the bathroom.

When we walked back to the front, few people were looking at us. I looked at Brian and seen he was looking back at me smirking.

I closed my eyes turning my head into Christopher's chest. "Thank you and come again." The woman said and we just walked out the restaurant without paying or anything.

"What happened in there?" He asked as he started the car. I sniffed avoiding eye contact with Christopher.

"Chris I don't want to talk about it here, can we go home and I'll tell you then?" He nodded kissing my forehead again.

"Of course. You want to stop for something to eat first? I know you still hungry."

"Dairy queen." I answered.


Brian Outta His Damn Mind..

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