96 { Brother }

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An Hour Later..

{ Christopher }

I opened my eyes looking over at Teyana. She was in the same position as last timr. I sighed kissing her hand again. I don't know if she really heard everything I told her, but I hope she did. I love Teyana so much and I can't risk losing her. Not right now. I would go crazy if I do. Y'all seen the way I was acting earlier, I would be like that everyday if I loose my Queen.

The door opened and Devon walked in. I looked at him as he closed the door behind him.

"Wassup bro," He mumbled.

"Sup.." I said lowly. "What you doing here Devon?" I questioned. He's the last person I would except to see here right now.

"I got the call man, and I came. I know I'm not really on good terms with none of y'all right now, but I had to come support. I'm sorry for everything I caused. If I caused this, I'm sorry. To you, and to Teyana. I just had the longest talk with Pops and Mama, and I'm starting to realize how childish I'm acting right now. All because I felt like everyone loved you more than me. All because I felt like you was getting more attention than me. I've been feeling like that my whole fucking life man. I started writing music to get it all off my mind." He said and it got quiet.

I couldn't say shit right now. I was really speechless. Devon walked over to the bed on the other side of Teyana looking at her body.

"How is she yo?" He asked not looking at me.

"She's in a coma.. Almost didn't make it man." I said getting teary eyed again. Devon looked at me and walked around the bed pulling me up and hugged me.

I broke down crying, like a bitch, on his shoulder. When I felt my shoulder getting wet and heard sniffing from him, I knew then he was crying as well.

"I can't loose her man, I can't." I cried.

Devon looked at me. "Listen to me bro, you not going to loose her. She's strong, like you. She'll get through this man. When it was the other around when you was in the hospital bed, she was crying and shit like this. I'm sorry for coming between y'all relationship and trying to mess it up. I was just jealous, honestly. And I don't know if Teyana can hear me right now, but I'm sorry Teyana. I didn't mean to cause all that pain, forcing sex on you or anything." Devon cried sitting in the chair. I stood off to the side watching. "I miss y'all man. I miss hanging around y'all. Seeing and playing with my nephew. I really hope y'all can find some way in y'all heart to forgive me. Ima change, I promise you, ima change. I'm dropping all that sexual interactions shit, it's dropped, its gone. I want to start fresh, new, with everybody. Just don't die on us right now Teyana. We need you man." Devon cried. I sighed looking away.

Next thing you know , Teyana's heart beat started speeding up. I looked at Devon and he looked at me. My heart started beating fastly.

"Get help." He said. I jetted to the door running out in the hallway.



"OMG TEYANA!" Makayla screamed. I looked back at her looking in the room.

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