18 { Make Up}

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Later That Night....


I was getting ready for work, when I heard someone knocking on the door.

"Kayla can you get that?!!" I yelled. Remembering that Vincent and Makayla weren't home, I had to go answer it myself.

I sighed wrapping myself in a robe and jogged downstairs.

Knock Knock Knock!

"DAMN WAIT!" I yelled swinging the door open. My eyes widened seeing Christopher on the other side. He was nicely dressed in a tux and all with roses in his hands. "What are you doing here?"

"We're going to dinner tonight, go get dressed and these we for you." He handed me the roses.

"Christopher I have to get ready for work, I can't -"

"Forget work. Just go do what I said, please." He begged. I sighed turning around walking to the stairs hearing the door close.

"Stay down here." I said pointing to him.

He smirked at me, "No promises." I laughed shaking my head and continued walking up the stairs.

Christopher opened the door for me and I walked inside.

"Reservations for Christopher." I heard him tell the lady. She nodded tapping the screen a couple times then smiled at us.

"Right this way!"

When we reached our table, Christopher pulled my chair out. "Thank you." I said sitting down and put my purse on the side. I flipped my long straight hair over my shoulders and Christopher took a seat infront of me.

I have to say, I was glad he came to the house. It's been about a week and we've haven't spoken. It was killing me because I wanted to be with him so bad but this baby thing is just not sitting with me.

"Thanks for coming tonight. You look good, as always." He complimented.

"Well thank you, and you was going to drag me out the house if I didn't do I didn't even bother putting up a fight." I said and he laughed.

I grabbed my phone texting Honey.

- " Hey girl. Tell Boss I won't be able to make it to work tonight. "

HoneyFatAss 😍: " Wdf? Why? Bitch you gonna loose your job before you know it. I bet you wit that Christopher nigga again huh? Damn it's only been a week! "

- " Okay mind yours and just tell him what the fuck I said. "

I rolled my eyes locking my phone and throwing it in my purse. Every time I don't come to work or leave early, Honey gets mad.

It's like she's jealous of Chris. And when I would talk about him, she would quickly change the subject or sometimes don't even listen.

We've been fucking all last week while I wasn't talking to Christopher. She's been coming over or I would go to her house.

"Who ya texting? That dude you been posted up wit lately?" Christopher asked.

I looked up at him from my menu. Hold the fuck up, WHAT DID HE JUST SAY?!

"Excuse me, what did you just say?"

He chuckled. "Ian saying no names but a lil birdie told me you was seeing another dude.."

I rolled my eyes already knowing who he was talking about.

"For your information whoever your little birdie is, needs to mind their fucking business. For two, I'm not seeing anybody! The dude is a good friend from New Orleans. Why are you worried anyways, shouldn't you be worrying about if Bianca's baby is yours or not?" I snapped.

He sighed biting his lip and looking around the restaurant.

"Teyana I didn't bring you here to argue over that petty shit. That baby ain't mine, I told you that!"

"Then why are we here Christopher?"

"Because I want to come back around. I really miss you Teyana. Nigga been bored just sitting around the house. Come on, you can't say you don't miss me back." He scooted over to my side and rubbed my thigh under the table while resting his arm on the arm rest behind my seat.

This wasn't a table, it was more like a booth that curves.

"Look me in my eyes and tell me you don't miss me." He said kissing my cheek then turned my face facing his.

"Christopher not here, not now." I whispered looking around the restaurant. He chuckled lowly shoving his hand up my dress making me literally jump up.

He started fingering me and rubbed my pearl with his thumb. I bit my lip to stop a moan flowing out my mouth.

"Let it out baby nobody gonna hear you." He whispered in my ear.

"Chris.. stop please.." I begged rotating my hips in sync to his fingers.

"Meet me in the bathroom." He said getting up and walked to the back.


I watched him go inside the men's bathroom. I hesitated getting up. He's really trynna make us go to jail tonight fucking in a public bathroom.

My phone started ringing in my purse. I reached in grabbing it seeing a phonecall from Christopher.

"What?!" I answered.

"Get your ass in this bathroom, now!!"

"Christopher we can't have -"

"Make me say it again and Ima come drag you from out that booth."

I sighed hanging up and a waiter came up to the table.

"Are you ready to order?" She asked.

"Um .. not yet. I need to use the bathroom actually." I walked past her and made my way to the men's bathroom.

Christopher was sitting on the counter on his phone. He looked up at me and smirked.

"Get up here," He said standing up and patting the counter.

I put my purse down groaning. "Christopher you better make this shit quick." I said

He raised my dress slapping my ass. I moaned. "Close ya fucking mouth." He said and I heard him drop his pants.


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