14 { Surprise }

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3 Weeks Later...

-  TEYANA  -

It's been 3 weeks since I've last talked or seen Devon. I'm actually glad though because it helped me to focus more on Christopher.

We've been getting closer and closer, and hoenstly I love the feeling. I still work at the strip club and still do what I do to make my money. That, Chris doesn't know about.

He's been pressuring me to quit the job but I'm not ready to take that step yet.

Christopher Cousin, Marco birthday is today and so to celebrate, we're going over to his house because he's having a pool party.

I'm excited because I haven't been a good bathing suit in a while and I recently ordered a new bathing suits that I cannot wait to show off.

I'm excited for the party, but knowing Devon is going to be there, a part of me don't really want to go. I don't want to face him after doing what I did weeks ago. Even though Chris and I aren't together but I know he wouldn't do that to me.

He still doesn't know that Devon and I know each other so I also have to play like I don't know him.

"Babe, you ready?!" Christopher whined coming in my walk in closet. My closet was so huge, I could turn it into a another room. It was like a Kardashian's closet. Yeah, huge.

"I am now." I said putting the cover up over my body and grabbed my phone. "Chrissy come take a pic with me!!" I yelled. Seconds later, he came in the closet and looked me up and down.

"Where you going wearing that?" He asked.

"To the party. Baby this is one of the swimsuits I just ordered. Remember, I showed you them and you approved." I had to show and get the swimsuits approved because Christopher can be a little protective at times but I find it cute. 

"Ma in the picture, it didn't look like that. You know-how many niggas finna be at this shit?"

I laughed. "Baby it's fine, trust me. They can look, but they just can't touch. Plus you know I don't want no other dude except you. I wouldn't give this to anybody." I said posing and pulling him behind me.

"Yeah you better not." He said wrapping his arms around me and looking into the phone making his signature face.

5 Minutes Later...

"Baby damn, we tool bout 20 million pictures already! We late!" Christopher whined.

I laughed finally choosing 4 of the best pictures and posted them on Instagram with the caption saying: He's Mine & I'm His. 🔐💦❤#daddy #allmines

I posted the picture and tagged him in it.

"Hm, daddy huh?" I looked up seeing Christopher smirking at me. I laughed playfully pushing him.

"Come on let's go." I said grabbing his arm pulling him out the closet.

We walked out the house and made our way to Chris's all black Mercedes G Wagon.

"I'm not feeling this yo. Even though you got this cover up on, your ass is still visible." He said opening the door for me and grabbed a handful of my ass.

I ignored him getting in the car and buckling up.

We drove out the driveway and were on our way to the party. "Oh, my brother and a few of my other cousins will be here too. You finally get to meet them." He smiled glancing at me and grabbed my hand kissing it.

"I can't wait." I said fake smiling. Deep inside, I was shitting bricks.


I'm excited for my baby girl to meeting some of the fam. I'm happy that she also doesn't know Devon. Now Devon don't have shit to talk this time.

When we made it to the house, I parked my car in the garage where I usually park.

"You ready? You look nervous," I said grabbing Teyana's hand closing the door and locked the truck.

"I am a little. I'm meeting your family. Why shouldn't I be nervous? What if they don't like me? I'm already already known stripper so they might look at me -"

"Hey, let that shit go." I said stopping us and looking her in her brown eyes. "If anyone fucks with you, Ima handle they ass. Now let's go." I pecked her lips a few times then took her hand in mine walking to the door.

An Hour Later...


So far, the party as been fun. I've met alot of Christopher's cousin and even the birthday boy himself.

They're all a good group of people to hang around. I just haven't seen Devon which is perfect because I don't to see his ass.

He'll kill my whole day.

"Baby where's the bathroom?" I asked Chris who was talking to his friends and cousins.

I caught them looking at me as well biting their lip and everything.

"Go straight down that hall and take a right then take another right. You can't miss it." Marco said.

I looked at him and smiled, "Thanks. Be right back babe." I said kissing Chris and he smirked.

"Aight. Don't go talking to no nigga either." He said smacking my butt. I laughed making my way to the hallway.

After doing my business, I flushed the toilet and washed my hands. I checked myself out in the wide body mirror then opened the door walking out.

Someone grabbed my wrist pulling me back.

"Damn you looking good mama.."




What's Going To Happen Next? 👀

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