54 { Too Fucked Up }

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I walked out the elevator and greeted Makayla, Vincent, and Devon.

"Terrence what the fuck did you do to my muhfucking best friend?" Makayla asked me.

"What you talking bout?" I asked her.

"She not coming to the party cause yo' decided to hang up on her to talk to anotha' bitch!" She yelled. "I'm sorry , but you and Teyana are not gon' last." She laughed saying.

I scoffed. "And what makes you think that?" I asked smartly crossing my arms over my chest.

"Because she's in Christopher's room right now," Vincent smirked and all 3 of them started laughing.

I frowned.

"Okay and? What's that suppose to mean?"

"Ion kno' and dont care eitha. I just don't like y'all togetha' , I know that." She said.

"Well sorry but we're not breaking up." I said back and she glared at me turning around and saying something to Vincent.

"Chill. Let's go," He told her and they kissed.

I laughed shaking my head walking behind them. Devon looked at me and shook his head.

"You got sum to get offa ya chest bro?" I asked him. Makayla and Vincent turned around.

"Aye man I'm not trynna break up no fight so Terrence close ya fucking mouth." Vincent said stepping between us.

"I'm not even gonna waste my time laying my hands on this fool. He betta' watch his "girlfriend" I know that. " Devon said grinning at me. I rolled my eyes.

Makayla and Devon laughed high fiving each other.


* * *

I got into the jeep turning it on and seen a text message from Micah.

No we didn't do anything earlier at the mall. Just talked. I don't want to be with her anyways because I already love who I'm already with.

She understood, and we decided to just be friends.

Ex-Girlfriend Micah 😁: " Are you still coming to the party? "

Me: " Yeah I'm on my way now. Just leaving. "

I locked my phone pulling out the parking spot and drove off to the party.

I don't know what Makayla and Devon trash talk was about with Teyana, but I hope she's not cheating on me with Christopher.

But then again they could just be hella jealous that I'm with Teyana so, I'm not too worried.

I grabbed my phone texting Teyana just to let her know I'm leaving. Why she didn't want to come? I really don't know. And what's more weird is that she's been in that nigga's room.


"Yo, you really gotta chill a lil bit with this messy shit. And I'm not playing." Vincent said rolling up a blunt.

"Nigga please! Do you know whea' I'm from?! I'm from Louisiana! Right hea! All bitches from hea' is messy as fuck!" I yelled.

Vincent sighed.

"Baby I get that but sometimes you go overboard."

I shrugged rolling my eyes.

"I'll "try" to contain myself." I said and Vincent smiled with that pretty smile I always love.

"That's ma' baby." He said and leaned over kissing my lips. "I love you."

"I love you more," I said.


I woke up hearing Cj crying. I opened my eyes seeing Christopher getting out the bed.

"Wan' me to get him?" He groaned.

"No. I got him." I said stepping out the bed and grabbed  Christopher's briefs and my bra.

"Nobody told you go put on my shit." Christopher told me and I laughed flipping him off. "You not tired of it?"

"Shut up." I giggled picking up Cj out his swing. "What is my ba - Ouu damn!" I said smelling his shitty diaper.

After changing his diaper and his clothes, I left him in a onesie and got back in the bed with Christopher putting him in the middle and he smiled widely at Christopher climbing ontop of him.

"You wanna play huh Bubba?" Christopher asked picking him up and lifting him in the air making him laugh.

I smiled watching them. They were so cute together. At times like these, I wished Christopher and I were still together.


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