27 { Meet Up }

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That Evening ( 4:30 PM )..


I moaned as Christopher pulled out of me and laid next to me kissing my forehead."One more round?" He asked smirking.

"Baby I have to go meet up with Honey, we can't. Not this time." I said sitting up and grabbed my robe.

"Damn. Ain't the last time I seen her she was mad because I picked you up? Baby I think she's jealous of you." Christopher laughed saying.

"I don't know. It's weird because we haven't spoke in months and she texted me out the blue," I shrugged walking to the bathroom. I started my shower then walked back out to the bedroom.

"She better not be trynna take my baby from me because it's not happening. She couldn't keep me away from you if she tried. You got my baby, she can't." He smirked. I giggled throwing my socks at him.

"Shut up,"

* * *

I leaned over kissing Christopher's lips, "I'll text you when I'm ready. Be good, I love you."

"Love you more and I'm always good, whatchu' talkin bout?" I laughed pecking his lips again and then stepped out the truck. I started walking to the entrance of the ice cream shop. I'm glad she chosed somewhere we can eat.

"If she try anything, call me!" He yelled out the window. I laughed walking into the place and Christopher drove off.

I walked to the counter, "Goodevening, Welcome to Creamy Cones! Would you like a cone, a bowl, or a cup?" She asked me.

I took my black card out , "Um .. I would like the large waffle cone please." I answered.

"And what type of flavor would you like?"

"Um .. I would like Cookies & Cream." I said.

She nodded tapping the screen. "Your total is -"

"She's with me. Just add it to my card, Honey." Honey's voice said. I turned and seen her standing next to me.

She looked much much different. She had shorter hair, and everything. She still looked like she strips the way she dress.

"Look at you, how have you been?!" I said and we hugged.

"Been fine. Look at you, pregnant and everything. How many months are you?" She asked looking at my stomach.

"A good 5 months. Going to be 6 in the next week or two. And guess what we're having," I said as we walked to the table where Honey was sitting.

"Let me guess a boy!" I smiled nodding. "Bitch you forgot you for me on snap?" She asked and I laughed.

* * *

"So, what did you want to talk about?" I asked eating my waffle cone.

"First off, i wish you didn't get knocked up by that  Chris dude. I miss my stripping/sex partner," She whined and I looked around making sure nobody heard that.

"Honey as much as I miss doing all of that, I'm done that life. I'm more mature now. Christopher has shown me things I never seen before. He makes me feel amazing. I don't even think about my work hours when I'm with him." I said.

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