94 { Accident }

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{ Christopher }

I showed Brianna a guest bedroom downstairs.

"This will be your room until your back on your feet." I said opening the door stepping to the side.

"Nice decor." She smiled looking around.

Brianna and I go back way, to high school days. We were nothing but good friends. Not best friends, good friends.

I never seen anything romantic in Brianna, and I don't think she felt the same. We never had sex or anything.

That's why I don't mind helping her out. She's always been there for me, so I'm going to be here for her.

_ _

"I'm sorry about earlier with your fiance too. I hope she doesn't think I'm here trying to mess you guys up."

"Its .. It's cool." I said looking at the ring in my hand. Just when I thought Teyana and I were moving forward, it's his like we're just moving backwards now.

"So, how you been Mr. Rapper?" She laughed  umpacking her belongings.

I sat on the bed. "Been doing good actually. I got my son that I always wanted, muaic career is doing good, just a few holes in the relationship that Teyana and I have to close." I explained looking at the floor.

"You love her, don't you?"

"Yuup." I said.

"Yeah, I can tell. She's beautiful by the way, so is y'all son. Adorable little boy." She smiled. "I'm glad your happy."

"Yeah, somewhat. You sound like Tara actually." I chuckled thinking about Tara.

"I can't stand her. Don't even bring her ugly ass up." I bust out laughing shaking my head.

Tara and Brianna never seen eye to eye. They always fought in high school. All because Tara didnt like the fact that I was Still cool with Brianna while we were together.

"I can't believe yall still don't like each other." I said.

"Fuck her." She said rolling her eyes. "But seriously though, why are you and Teyana arguing?"

I explained to her the whole situation, and she was surprised.

"Well I'm not taking anyone side but I think you should believe Teyana , honestly. You know Devon always took your girlfriends in high school. And he's doing drugs and shit, it's fucking up his mind and shit." She said.

"But she told me they fucked before." I said.

"Yeah, BEFORE y'all were together Chris! Devon always been jelaous of you! This is probably One of his ways to trying to get Teyana!" She said. I nodded because she did have a point.

"Yeah , you right.. I need to go call her now, I'll see you in the morning. Goodnight."

"Goodnight, and thanks for letting me stay!"

_ _

I laid in the bed calling Teyana's phone.

It rung a couple times, then went to voice mail. I sighed sending her text message instead.

- " Teyana, I know you see me calling you. Answer the phone , please. "

Baby Girl 💍💕: " Christopher just leave me alone , please."

- " Teyana I'm not going to leave you alone! Answer the damn phone or I'm coming find you."

Baby Girl 💍💕: " Leave me alone! Go talk to Brianna! You don't need me anymore Christopher! I'll be back tomorrow .. maybe."

- " Whatever man. "

_ _

I locked my phone and sighed. I don't want Teyana thinking I'm going to be messing around with Brianna.

I don't see nothing Brianna. I want Teyana to know that.

When she threw the ring back at me, that completely broke my heart. When I slipped the ring on her finger, I never wanted her to take it off.

We need to get past this, Devon's situation, and move forward. We were doing perfectly fine until all of this shit came up.

I don't even know how I'm going to sleep tonight.

{ Teyana }

"Kayla I feel like I'm losing him!" I cried into the pillow. "I don't want to loose him again! Not again! I love Chrispther and it's like he's taking everyone's side, except mine!" I cried into the phone.

"Baby girl, don't cry. Listen, just come over and we'll talk more about it."

"N-No.. I'm not coming over. I changed my mind." I sniffed.

"Teyana where else are you going to -" I hung up the phone ending the phonecall.

I stopped at the red light plugging in my AUX cord blasting "We Poppin" by NBA Youngboy. I don't need anybody to tell me what to do.

I'm just going to keep driving until I get tired.

"TURN GREEN ALREADY!" I yelled. I got tired of sitting here so I pressed the accelerator, driving off.

I looked down at phone seeing someone calling. It was Makayla. I declined the call rolling my eyes. I looked up back seeing notning but bright lights.

Next thing you know, I'm flipping.


Will Teyana Survive The Car Accident?

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