24 { Meeting The Family }

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~ That Weekend ~


After Christopher and I were done getting dressed, we went downstairs greeting Vincet and Makayla who were already dressed.

Makayla and I had on the same dress, just a different color.

"Ouu bitch we matchingg!!" She squealed doing a dance and I laughed.

"Y'all planned this shit huh? What is this a best friend thing or something?" Christopher asked.

We laughed, "No we did not plan this outfit. I didn't know what she was wearing,"

"And I didn't know what she was wearing." I added and they shook their heads.

"Aight let's go." Vincet said.

"Hollup, let the pregnant woman walk out first." Makayla said stopping the boys and I smacked my lips and we laughed.

Ever since I told them about me being pregnant Makayla been going crazy. In a good way though. She jokes alot and when we're walking out a door she always say, "Let the pregnant woman walk out first!" Or something close to that.

I honestly believe she's more excited about me having a baby than I am.

Isn't that some shit?

But today we're going to Christopher's parents house for the little cookout or whatever. I'm honestly nervous because I don't know what they'll think of me when they first see me.

It's nerve wrecking but Chris told me everything would be okay and that I was going to love them so I hope he's telling the truth.

That's why I'm glad Vincet and Makayla came. Well Vincet and Chris are best friends so Vinny already know the family. Its just Makayla and I who don't.

We all got into Christopher's G Wagon. I strapped up and pulled the mirror down checking to make sure my face and everything was beat nicely.

"Picture guys," I said holding my phone up.

3 Minutes Later..

"Okay wait those are ugly, lets tr -"

"Hell nah! We been sitting here for the past 3 or 4 minutes taking pictures. Christopher drive this car." Makayla fussed and I laughed.

"Fuck all y'all." I said back.

"This is what I go through all the time when she wants to take pictures." Chris said and I smacked his arm looking through the pics and posted some on Instagram.

Getting to the house, I seen the yard packed. My heart started beating fast seeing people walk in the nice 2 story home. It was a beautiful home too.

We got out the truck and Christopher grabbed my hand kissing it.

"Calm down babe. I could see you shaking through your skin. Everything is going to be fine, I promise." He said then kissed me. I took a deep breath nodding and we walked to the door.

Walking inside there was a good but of people inside but mostly everyone was outside. I greeted them all with Chris. They were really his cousins too.

Some of them I met at Marco's party so it was nice seeing them again.

When we got to the back, kids were running around playing, people were dancing, and family was talking and laughing.

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