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The Next Morning 🌞...

- Terrence -

As Teyana was sleeping, I watched. She was beautiful. I've waited for this moment to happen for the longest time ever.

When we was young, I been wanting to make her my girlfriend but I was so caught up with the different women, they blocked from being with this beautiful thing right here laying infront of me.

I booked Ms. Patty into a hotel last night because after dinner was done and desert came, let's just say Teyana and I made our own desert in the bedroom.

I'm so happy to finally call her mine and don't have to lie about it.

* * *

"Terrence stop staring at me, I feel it." She said

I laughed kissing her cheek. "I'm sorry , but your so beautiful. I can't believe we're actually together." I said.

She sat up. "What do you mean?" She said stretching.

"I'm not gonna lie Tey, I always liked you. Even when we were young I did. I wanted to make you my girlfriend then," I said truthfully.

"But you didn't. Instead you fucked different hoes from the 9th Ward and shit. Yeah Terrence , I heard how you got around."

I chuckled but was a little embarrassed by my past during that time. Especially hearing it from her.

"Baby your right. I was distracted. But trust me the whole time I liked you. I was just soo stuck up , I didn't really have the balls to." I shrugged. "But we're grown now , and I'm a man and not s teenage any more. Meaning that there's no more of that old Terrence. I promised you last night I changed. And I really did. You can ask Patty later."

She laughed.

"Terrence did you really change though? She could lie for you just to keep her job."

"Yes baby, I changed. I changed for you. Specially when we started being around each other more." She smiled looking away. "I'm gonna cherish the rest of my life with this beautiful face everyday. We're going to have our kids, get married, buy a bigger house and all." I said touching her soft skin.

"So your not affected by Christopher and Devon? Cause you know they're going to try to break us up every chance they get when they find out we're together." She explained and she was right.

"Tey I'm not even worrying about them dudes. It's not them I'm trying to impress. It's you and Cj because he's going to my stepson. Which is a little weird , but it's also a blessing because I always wanted a son." I said. "Now that doesn't mean I don't want to push for one though ," I smirked and grabbed her ass through the sheets.

She giggled. "There will no baby growing in this stomach until my Cj is at least 2 of 3 years old." She said climbing in my lap.

I instantly got turned on because we were both naked right now and Teyana was testing me.

"What you trynna do Baby Tey?" I asked rubbing her thick thighs.

"I want to have a little morning fun Daddy Terry." She smirked. We both laughed and I flipped us over sliding in her wetness.

* * *

"What do you want to do today?" Teyana asked coming sit next to me on the couch.

"Honestly , I was thinking we can go back to Louisiana next week. What do you think?" She looked at me from her phone.


I shrugged , "Anthony is having a party on Wednesday since it's his birthday and everything and I wanna go. Plus I know you haven't been there in a few years so why not go and see some family? Plus Baby Cj can meet his cousins and Aunties." He smirked.

"I..I don't know. I'll think about it. I wanted to wait a little longer." She said.

"Come on baby. I know what happened when you were young still affects you but -"

"No , Terrence you don't! You don't know! Nobody knows! People always say they know what the hell I went through just to make me feel better when they don't!" She yelled standing up. Her voice started cracking.

"Tey sit down, please." I pleaded.

She sighed sitting back down. I pulled her in my lap and wiped her face.

"I'm sorry alright? And your right , nobody know what you been through. But that's why I'm here now. I'm going to make sure nobody touches you in any kind of way that makes you feel uncomfortable alright? You or Cj."

"Really Terrence?" I nodded and she grinned a little. "Thanks." She said.

"No problem. So , we going to the boot or what?" I asked.

She hesitated at first but then said , "Yes." I smiled pecking her lips.

"Great. I'll get us some tickets for Sunday."

"Okay. So today , can we go to the Mall? Because me and my baby boy need some new stuff." She said and I laughed.

Cj is only a good 5 months. That nigga can't talk or anything! Even though he tries, but yeah. The way Christopher and Teyana buy him shit I can see it now , Cj is gonna be one spoiled ass kid.

Half of the shit is designer brand shit!

I'm not gonna lie, the kid is beautiful and I don't blame Teyana for actually buying all that for him but she'll regret it later in life when he really starts asking for shit.

I get baby fever sometimes and buy him alotta stuff too but I'm a man trying to prove to Teyana that I'm ready for this.

* * *

"HELLO!" I snapped outta my thoughts.

"Huh? Oh , Yeah let's go get dressed." I said and she stood up.

"We have to go to my house because that's where my clothes are." She giggled.

"Right .." i said forgetting we were still at my crib. "Well I'll go get dressed. Go start the truck or something." I handed her the keys.

"Okay," she smiled.

"I love you." I leaned in.

"I love you more." She smiled and we kissed.

Teyana Marlon is actually my baby girl man. ❤😭


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