97 { Helping }

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{ Christopher Pov }

After talking to Brianna, I felt good. She was pissed off, but I'm offering to help her find a house.

Hopefully that'll help.

_ _
I got in my truck seeing a missed call from a jail house. I frowned calling the number back. After talking to the monitor or whatever, I got connected with Devon.

"Chris?! Why you down answer earlier man?!"

"I was in the shower, damn! What you doing in jail bro?" I asked playing like I didn't know.

"Because of when I shot Oliver man. It was fucked up, I know. But I need you to bail me out."

I started my truck and backed out the driveway. I thought about it for a moment. This all just happened, Teyana got threatened by Devon during this time, I don't even know if I should help him.

But then again, that's my brother and he said he's "changing". If I do help his ass, I want to see changes actually happening.

"Hello? Chris you still there?" Devon yelled snapping me out my thoughts.

"Man why you don't call Mama nem?!" I asked driving to McDonalds. I was hungry, and Teyana is probably hungry too. I don't know if she'll be able to eat it but it's the thought that counts. If she can't, I'll be happy to accept it. 😊

"I tried calling them, Daddy said he not helping me. Talking bout facing manly consequences and shit. You know how his old ass be." He said into the phone.

I nodded already knowing because Pops don't even want me helping to bail Devon outta jail.

"Yeah, I know." I said.

"So what? You coming or what?" He asked.

"Ima go see Teyana and shit bro, and ima think bout it. Just wait." I said.

He sighed. "Aight man.." He said. "How she doing anyways?"

_ _

I walked into Teyana's room seeing Makayla and Vincent sitting on the couch talking to Teyana.

"Damn. Could've got us some shit too." Vincent said.

"This for me and my girl man." I chuckled saying. "Besides, I didn't even know y'all was coming." I said.

"Yeah, whatever." Makayla said.

"What took you so long? Did you talk to Brianna?" Teyana asked.

"I was talking to Devon, but yeah . She was pretty upset about the whole situation, but I told her I was going to buy her another apartment and just -"

"Buy what? Are you kidding me Christopher?!" She semi-yelled sitting up fixing her cast a little.

"Baby you want her out the house right? I'm just helping a friend! After the first month, she on her own. And she understand so we good." I said shrugging. "It's not like were going to be loosing anything anyways babe. I'm making millions, you getting mills from ya people's checks, we good." I explained.

"Shit, I want a mill." Makayla said.

"Tell ya man that." I said pointing to Vincent. Vincent worked with me. He was my boy. Even though I'm the star, Vincent is my best friend. He comes with me everywhere when I'm traveling and makes sure I'm comfortable. The way shows go, food, etc. I pay him too.

"Fuck up."

"So what was you and Devon talking about?" Vincent asked.

"Bailing him out and shit. I don't know if I really will though." I said shrugging sitting my food on the counter sorting it out.

"He was talking to me earlier. I heard it all, and I think he was crying.:" Teyana explained. "Y'all think he really wants to change?"

I shrugged. "You never know. He was just threatening us so.." I said.

"Give me a chance, he might actually want to change. He was crying like a bitch so he probably does." Makayla said.

"I'll think about it.." I said. "My dad doesn't want to for sure." I said.

"He doesn't?" Teyana shook and I shook my head.

"I don't blame it though. Devon been in and out of the feds since he was about 14 years old. Old man get tired of bailing his ass out." Vincent said.

He did have a point. Me, Devon, and Vincent always stayed together and hung out so that's how Vincent know all of this. Those were the days when I use to look up to Devon. But, I had to change my pathway.

"Yeah, got a point there." Makayla said.

"Just do it babe." Teyana sais. I looked at her.

"You really think I should do it? After all he did to you."

"I know hun, but he sounded so sincere, he was crying. And you know, Devon doesn't cry." I laughed nodding.

"I'll think about it. You want to eat," I asked her.


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