21 { Possibility }

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2 Weeks Later...


Christopher and I were laying in the bed. He was massaged my legs which felt amazing.

"Guess what?" He said breaking the silence. I opened my eyes looking at him. "Bianca got the results back for the DNA results of Kamron." He said.

"Okay.. and so what does it say?" He smiled.

"I'm not the father." He said and I smiled.

"Great, that's great news. Now she can stop fucking inboxing me on Instagram and shit. Stupid bitch. But, I'm hungry." I whined.

He looked at me, "Babe you just ate!"

"And I'm still hungry Chrisssyyy!!" I whined louder like a little kid. He sighed.

"Fine. Ima go get you some food, what do you want?" He got up out the bed.

"Um ... CHINESE!" I squealed happily and he laughed.

"Childish ass. Gimme kiss." I puckered my lips and he kissed me. "I need to make you mine before another dude does. AKA Terrence."

I smacked my lips. "Shut up." I pushed his face away and he laughed walking out the room.

After he left, I became extremely bored. I grabbed my phone texting my baby Kayla.

  - " Come in the room with me. Chrissy just left me and I'm lonely now! 😩"

MyBitchKay 💕✊: " Bitch for what? Everyday you call me in there and all you do is whine and complain. Christopher ain't been giving you the D or something? "

- " I don't want sex Kayla! 😭😭"

MyBitchKayla 💕✊: " Where is he going anyways? I seen him leave and you acting like you need it. "

- " Get me some food. 😊Isn't he sweet with his fine sexy caramel self. 😍😍 So you coming or what? "

MyBitchKayla 💕✊: " Fine. "

I smiled putting my phone away and turned on my TV. Seconds later, Makayla walked in putting on her shirt.

"Hey girl." I cheesed.

She scrunched her face at me, "Bitch you bipolar. Scoot over." She said pulling my cover back.

"What da fuck Kayla?!!" I yelled kicking my legs and she got in the bed.

"Shut up. Now wassup?"

After talking to Makayla, we started taking pictures and everything.

"That's enough pictures and shit. Y'all done flooded Snapchat with y'all ugly ass faces." I heard Chris say coming in the room with our food.

"Shut up Christopher and give me my shit." I fussed throwing my remote at him almost hitting his head.

"Bitch!" Makayla said

"She been acting crazy like that for the past week Makayla. Here ya food." I grabbed my plate and opened it up digging it.

I zoned out everything because this good was absolutely delicious. My stomach was gettin all happy.

Half way through my food, I opened my eyes seeing Chris and Kayla both looking at me with a surprised look on their faces.

"What the fuck y'all looking at?!" I yelled rolling my eyes looking at my TV.

"You halfway done that food already? Damn! Mama you been eating like crazy lately. Like alot.." Chris said.

I frowned looking at him. That really made me feel bad. I put my food on the side and looked away at the TV.

"Teyana I didn't mean it like that." He said touching my hand.

"DON'T TOUCH ME!" I yelled. I then felt a tear hit my leg. Didn't even realize I was crying. "You just called me fat you bastard!"


Makayla and I were watched as Teyana sat there like a life sized ass baby crying.

I didn't mean what I said in any mean way. Teyana knows I wouldn't hurt her 

I don't know wassup with her. She's been moody for the past week or 3. Like one minute she's laughing, the next minute, she's crying, then she would be wanting to fight me!


It's all freaking me out and I'm confused about it. She never acted this way before.

I looked at Makayla, "I wasn't calling her fat." I said and looked back at Teyana.

Makayla sighed. "Omg these mood swings, the fighting, the eating alot. All of this leads down to one thing .." She said.

"What?" I asked.

"Teyana, you could be prgenant.."

My eyes widened and Teyana's head lifted slowly looking at Makayla.

"W-What?" She said.


Could Teyana Be Actually Pregnant?

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