30 { Surprise Party / It's Time! }

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  ~ Later That Day .. ~

Christopher's birthday is today, and I'm suppose to go into labor in a week. Makayla and Vincet were planning on spending the weekend in another state and stuff but I don't want for Cj to come earlier than what he suppose to even though he's ready to come out.

I want to hold my baby in until the end.

But since we're not doing that, I would instead like to throw a surprise party for Christopher at this nice hall. I got the place already rented out, decorated nicely and all. I even texted his family and some friends letting them know about the surprise party.

I want this to be special for him because he's done so much for me. Even though he said he didn't like surprises, but I really don't care.

He's going to love this surprise.

* * *

Makayla and I see chilling on the couch talking about the party while the guys were upstairs playing the game as usual.

"So how has Devon been you know acting with all of this? I mean it's getting closer to time and a DNA test is going to have to get done." I shrugged.

I don't even talk to Devon like how I use to. I don't feel comfortable around him like I use to anymore.

He's always touching me and calling me these different names like babymama, bae, sweetheart, baby girl, etc. It's annoying to me and I don't like being around his presence as much.

I still hold my decision with the baby being for Christopher. My baby looks just like Cj's baby pictures.

It's going to crush Devon when he finds out that my baby isn't his and I honestly can't wait to throw it in his face.

* * *


Fuck Devon. I don't even want to see his perv ass. I can't wait to show his ass that the baby's name will be Cj not Dj." I said and stuck my tongue out.

Makayla laughed, "I'm just excited to see the look on Chris's face tonight. How will you do it?" She asked.

"Well I'm going to first bring him to eat out like an hour before, then leaving there we're going to go straight to the hall, then surprise!" I smiled.

"That's going to be soo cutee!!" She cooed.

"Y'all better be talking about my son," I heard Christopher say. I playfully rolled my eyes.

"Yeah, we're talking about baby Cj." Makayla said sarcastically. He smacked his lips and sat next to me wrapping his arms around me.

"Makayla shut up." He said back.

"Bitch just because it's your birthday don't mean you can't get yo ass beat. Don't try me hoe." Makayla said and Vincet laughed sitting on the other couch with Makayla.

"Y'all haters. Say we still going to Florida this weekend?" Vincet asked.

"Nigga what? My son suppose could come at any moment and if she gets on a plane, that's going to make it worse. Hell nah." Chris said throwing a pillow at Vincent then rubbed my stomach.

As soon as his hand touched my belly, the baby started kicking. He was going crazy in there.

"Ow! Christopher stop your making him to crazy and hurt me!" I said hitting Chris's hand. He kissed my stomach.

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