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I was walking going meet up with Makayla at the food court. Her and Vincet decided to fuck instead of her getting up and coming get ready with me like I asked Vincent's duck head ass to.

So I left her at home and came by myself. I'm doing just what Christopher wants me to do and he even wants me to show him what I brought which I thought was pretty funny.

"Damn Teyana." I turned around facing Devon. Devon and I use to fuck. 

"Devon, what are you doing here?" I asked. He pulled me in a hug and I politely hugged back.

"Nothing, just looking around. So wassup, I heard you fucking my brother now huh?"

I frowned, "Who's your brother?" I asked.

"Christopher. You know, beard guy with the tattoos. Got my bro drooling over you and shit. Didn't think it was you though knowing how you get around." He said.

"Well I actually like your brother and I'm willing to change just to be with him."

"You sure about that? Because the last time we fucked you said the same thing to me." He smirked. I rolled my eyes now annoyed by his large presence. "Roll em' again and ima have em' rolling repeatedly." He threatened.

"Devon, I really don't have time for you." I said and begin to walk away when he grabbed my arm pushing me against the wall in the corner and roughly kissed my neck hitting my spot on point. I let out a soft moan feeling him smile against my neck. It felt so good. He then raised his head kissing my lips. I hesitated at first but then kissed him back.

I always been a lil weak when it came down to Devon. He was soo fine and a bitch couldn't stop fucking him. I'm not even going to lie, Devon got the best dick out here. He's even better than Christopher.

The difference between Christopher and Devon is that Devon is more thug and hood. Christopher is a little rough when you make him get to that point, but he's more of a sweet guy. And that what attracts me to him because I never met a sweet guy before like Chris.

Devon is one of the thug niggas that I'm use to.

Devon slipped his hand up my skirt and slid his hand inside my flower without hesitation and fingered me hard.

"Fuck.." I cursed looking him in the eyes seeing he was smirking evily at me.

He kissed my lips again and I bit his bottom lip. That was one thing that I knew turned Devon on. I wrapped my arms around his neck and moved my hips in sync to go hand.

"Cum for daddy baby girl." He whispered in my ear. That was officially my breaking point. I came all ova his fingers and he slowly pulled them out licking his fingers clean. "Still sweet." He smirked.

I blushed fixing my skirt when he put me down. I went to walk away when he grabbed me, AGAIN.

"Devon stop I have to -"

He grabbed my neck. "Get to my car, now. The black G Wagon. You gonna see it. It's parked almost to the back. Go head." He smacked my ass hard and I winced a little.

"Devon I have stuff to do. Can we just wait for another time?"

He laughed. "Do it fucking look like I want to wait another time?!! Now go!!" He yelled and I took off to the exit.

I wasn't scared of no nigga but Devon, he was different. That's one nigga that I'm scared of. He's capable of so many things. I hate to be on his bad side.
I had a feeling my little brother was talking about this Teyana. I fucked her a couple times and ima continue to fuck her. In a relationship with my brother or not.

I don't really care for Teyana. What attracts me to her is her attitude, head game, and her pussy stays tight.

Almost the whole gang ran through Teyana and everybody had something positive to say about her sex. Especially the head.

If you think her being with my little brother gonna stop me from hitting, then you on some shit because Ima continue to own that pussy.

Christopher doesn't even know that I know Teyana which I like because I can say her name all I want and he won't know who I'm talking about.

"Aye Von, we got ole dude. Whatchu want me to do with him?" My best friend Frank asked.

"Tie his ass up and torture his ass. I'm bouta fuck Teyana right quick and then I'll be on my way." I spat.

Frank laughed. "Nigga you still fucking her huh? Watch she end up pregnant."

"If she do then she killing the fucking baby, plan and simple. That's the same thing with Princess. If the baby mine, then it's gon' die. I don't want no kids." I said into the phone.

"Damn. Listen go do that and hurry back."

I ended the call putting my aux cord on and turned on some music.

I'm a drug lord. I sell weed and I have my own gang. I fuck bitches and get money. That's how I met Teyana. She gave me head at the strip club and we hit off from there. 

Teyana Marlon know wassup and she know not to fuck with me. She know I'll have her in a fucking wheel chair.

I opened my door seeing Teyana in her phone on the passenger's seat. She was looking hella good in mini skirt and that bra made crop top.

"Take a picture it'll last longer." She said snapping me out my thoughts. She had my phone in her hand with the camera on handing it to me.

I laughed taking my phone out her hand.

"You really asking for it huh?" I asked started my car and grabbed her thigh tightly with my free hand. She screamed moving my hand. I trailed my hand up her skirt again and back into her panties rubbing her clit.

"This is r-rape De.. vonn!!" She moaned closing her eyes.

I smirked. "Ain't rape if you enjoying it. I'll show you rape though just wait till we get to my crib."


Will Christopher Find Out About Teyana and Devon?

Teyana Fucking Both Of The Brothers! 😂😛😛

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