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The Next Day..


I woke up the next morning smelling bacon. Bacon was my shit y'all. The way Teyana makes it soo mm! 😍

I sat up seeing Teyana and Cj next to me knocked out. I frowned getting out of bed and went do my morning hygiene in the bathroom. When I was done i walked back in the bedroom seeing Cj with his head popped up.

He started whining when he seen me rubbing his eyes. I laughed picking him up out the bed missing his cheek as he laid his head on my chest.

- - - -

When we got downstairs, I seen Tara in the kitchen making a big breakfast for every one. She looked stunning this morning. She was wearing yoga tights be a exercise tee. I couldn't help but look at her ass.

"GoodMorning, " I greeted after staring putting Cj in his highchair.

She looked at me and smiled. "Well GoodMorning Chris. How did you guys sleep?" She asked looking at Cj then back at me.

"Pretty good. What you doing up so early?" I questioned sitting at the counts watching her 

"Well, since you guys let us stay here for the week, I decided to make breakfast as a "Thank You" gift. Hopefully Teyana likes it."

"I'm sorry about her yesterday. She always act that way so don't feel any time of negative way." I explained.

She nodded. "Its fine to me. I get where she's coming from. She's just so pretty and seems so sweet on social media, I want to just be friends. You got you a good one Chris. And that's coming from me. So don't fuck it up with her." Tara pointed out. I nodded.

"I won't. Damn, you just sounded like my mom." I said and we both shared a decent laugh.

"How are Mama Tee and Mr. Law anyways?" She asked cracking the eggs.

"They're good. Spoiling Cj that is." I looked back at Cj who was playing with his toy.

She chuckled. "He's so adorable. I don't blame them. He looks like you though. Chunky and cute. Reminds me when my little girls were that size." She cooed.

"Yeah, don't let the cuteness fool you. He's mean and has his mama's ways." I informed.

"What's that supoose to mean?" Teyana's voice said coming in the kitchen.

"Meaning he has your attitude , etc. You know how he acts. Especially around strangers." I said. She laughed taking Cj out his highchair kissing him and sitting next to me.

"Daddy just jealous." Teyana said running her hand continuously through Cj's curly hair.

"GoodMorning Teyana. I made breakfast for every one." Tara smiled.

Tey looked at her and smiled. "Morning and I thought I smelled something delicious down here. Knew damn well Chris wasn't in here making no damn bacon."

Teyana and Tara bust out laughing.

"What the hell thats suppose to mean?" I asked.

"Come on Chris, You know your not good in the kitchen." Teyana complained. Cj laughed clapping his hands.

"Oh so it's funny huh?" I asked him. "And I might not be good in the kitchen but YOU KNOW I am good in the -"


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