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That Night...


" How was it today? Y'all been gone all day, I'm guessing it went well right. " Chris said laying on my chest.

" Your guess is correct. Makayla was the same ole' rude Makayla but after a whole, she died down. She opened up to me, we opened up to her. She's pretty cool though. " I said and Chris smiled.

" See, I told you. "

" Yeah you did but you didn't tell me she was a little chicken. " I said. He looked at me.

" What do you mean? "

" You know how Makayla's mouth is. She seemed scared and whatnot. " I laughed a little. I can tell Tara isn't the type to really push my buttons so I really don't have a problem with her.

" Don't tell me y'all scared her. "

" No, Makayla scared her. Like I said , she's pretty nice. "

" I'm glad you came to your senses. I probably just had to dick you down for a few hours and you was back on the road. " Christopher started kissing my face.

I giggled pushing his face away. " Boy please. Don't flatter yourself. " I said. Chris and I snuggled in our bed.

" Baby you know I -" I pushed Chris off of me feeling something come up my throat. I ran to the bathroom pulling up the toilet seat and threw up. " Oh shit, Tey you alright? "

"..No.." I groaned. " My stomach hurts Chris, "

Chris rubbed back. " Ima go get you some water. "I nodded hovering over the toilet continuing to throw up.

"Oh god.." I mumbled rubbing my stomach. My stomach was killing me right now.

"Teyana, are you okay?" I looked up seeing Tara with a towel.

"My stomach just hurts. I don't know where this is coming from. I've been fine all -" I threw up some more. ".. day.. Can you look in that medicine cabinet and grab some medicine for me, please?" I asked Tara.

She nodded standing back up.

"Alright here you go baby." Chris said coming back in the bathroom handing me some water. I took a sip and sat there for a moment just in case more vomit wanted to come up.

"Here," Tara handed me two pills. I took them and drunk my water bottle.

"Thanks." I said to them.

"I was just using the bathroom and I heard you groaning, I rushed in here." Tara said and we laughed.

"Gosh, my head hurts now." I said. Chris put his hand on my forehead.

"You a lil warm. Come on, let's go to bed." He picked me up bridal style carrying me to the bed.

= TARA =

I'm glad Christopher actually found someone better than me to make him happy. They're so cute together, I hope they be able to make it to marriage and have more kids like Prince and I did.

You can see the love between them, it's adorable.


"I'm going turn off the lights and everything downstairs, I'll be right back, aight?" I kissed her forehead.

"Mhm," she said snuggling into her pillow. I turned off the lamp. "Don't take long," she whined. I chuckled walking out the bedroom.

"Hope you feel better Teyana." Tara said before walking out the bedroom as well.

"Hey, thanks for the help up there. I honestly didn't know what the fuck to do. Shit was happening so fast and she was yelling." I explained tiredly walking downstairs.

"Did she throw up when she had symptoms of being pregnant with Cj?" Tara asked following me to the kitchen.

"Um .. yeah, but that doesn't mean she's pregnant right. She could just be sick or ate too much.." I chuckled nervously, "Right?"

She chuckled shrugging, "I don't know. But she could also be pregnant. If I was you, I was get her tested. Just in case." She insisted.

I honestly wasn't ready for another kid. I don't think Teyana is either. With me now being the the music industry, and I'm having all these shows, I won't be around as much.

I just hope Tey isn't pregnant. Cj is enough already. He's not even 1 yet.

- - - -

"Whatcha thinkin bout?" Tara asked snapping me out my thoughts. I shook my head. "Oh come on Chris, I've been knowing you for like, forever. I know when something is up."

I sighed. "We're just not ready for another kid right now. These shows bouta' get complicated, gonna be in the studio more, shit man. I hope she's not pregnant." I groaned.

"Well .. you do have a point there." She said. "But look on the bright side, your getting blessed with another mini you. Things happen for a reason Chris. It's a sign of a greater future." She grinned. I nodded.

After a couple minutes of talking to Tara, we turned the lights off and went back upstairs.

"Hey, can you check on Cj while your heading that way?"

"Sure." Tara said.

I climbed back in the bed with Teyana as she slept peacefully.

I kissed her cheek and watched as she slept. Teyana was beautiful. I'm thankful for her. But if she's pregnant, I don't know what I'm going to do.


Could Teyana Be Pregnant?

Or Is She Just A Little Sick ☺

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