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"I see you still didn't choose who you wanted to go on that date with tonight." Makayla said coming in my bedroom. She had my phone in her hand.


She tossed it to me. I looked seeing a message from Brian and Christopher.

Brian 💦: " I'll come pick you up at 9. Be ready and be sexy. 😍"

Christopher : " Hey I'll come pick you up at 9. Can't wait to see you. 😘"

I groaned throwing my phone on my pillow next to me and laid my head down.

"I really don't know what to do..." I said.

"Bitch do the obvious, go with Christopher! He's sweet and more of a man than Brian, to me. All you and Brian been doing was fucking. Y'all don't know shit about each other except how y'all skills are in the fucking bedroom. You and Christopher clicked as soon as y'all met, bitch you better go to the light. Brian will be fine." She said and I sighed looking away.

She had a point but I didn't want to hurt Brian. He said he's willing to change his ways to be with me. The nigga is breaking up with his girlfriend to be with me!

"You just got Brian pussy whipped if you ask me. See what happens when you have good pussy? All the niggas want you and can't get enough. Look at Vincet, we have morning sex, afternoon sex, and night sex." I laughed shaking my head at her crazy ass. Makayla is a fool I'm telling y'all. That's why I love my girl. "So, what ya gonna do?" She sat on my bed.

"I guess I'll ... go with Christopher." I sighed saying looking at Christopher's contact. "Poor Brian, he'll be sad but ole well." I got up walking to my closet grabbing my dress out.

"Great choice! It's time to start getting dressed, it's 7 and you know you take a good hour to get ready." She said getting up and taking out my shoes.

"Wait, what are you doing?" I asked.

"Finna do your hair and everything so go take a shower." She pushed me to the bathroom. I closed the door getting undressed and started my shower.


"So, when am I gonna meet her?" I looked up from my phone at my brother, Devon.

"I don't know. Why?"

He shrugged smirking. "Never know, I probably around fucked around with her. I know a few chicks named Teyana." He laughed. I rolled my eyes looking back at my phone and pretended like I didn't hear that.

Devon is my older brother. He's 2 years older than me. I'm 23 and he's 25. Just because he's older than me, he thinks he's my father sometimes. He's a rapper and swears to God that he fucked every chick I bring around the family.

He tries to rub shit in and it gets annoying because Devon can he a asshole at times. I love my brother, that's my best friend, but he gets on my nerves too.

If he did fuck Teyana, I wouldn't care because that was the past. This is now and she's going to be with me.

"What she look like? She thick?"

"Devon would you just shut the hell up? You shouldn't be trying to worry about what the fuck she looks like. She not going out witchu! Need to worry about that baby ugly ass Princess trynna put on you." I snapped.

He smacked his lips. "See youan' even have to go that far. Just asking what she look like. I could probably be saving yo' ass. And that baby ain't mines." He lit a blunt. "I'm going to the studio. Hit me up tomorrow."

"Whatever." He walked out my house and I sighed walking upstairs to my bedroom picking out something to wear and started taking my shower.

I'm excited to know more about Teyana. Everybody has a past, and they don't go back to it that's why its called a past.

I'm not worried about Devon. I'm just going to stay focused on my daye tonight with Teyana. She's beautiful. The first thing that caught my eye when I first seen her was her hair and beautiful eyes.

Then when we were talking in the kitchen, it drugged me more into getting to know her. I want to know more about her. Hopefully she lets me. I'll be an open book, I'm willing to.

I just hope she can do the same.

Before going in the shower, I put my phone on the charger noticing a message from Teyana.

Teyana 💜: " I can't wait too. 😍Let me go get dressed though. "

- " Lol aight. See you later beautiful. ❤"

I locked my phone takin off my shirt and walked to the bathroom taking a shower.


Will Devon know Teyana? 😂

How will Brian feel with Teyana ditching him?

Comment your thoughts. 💘

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