60 { Bipolar }

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I woke up feeling Cj slapping me in my face smiling hard down at me showing his cute little teeth that were growing.

"Cj why are you disturbing Mommy's sleeping time?" I asked. He poked his bottom lip out looking at me. "Okay, Okay. I'm up, don't cry." I said sitting up and he climbed ontop of me. He was so spoiled. He loves being ON me. Can't be onside, or near, he is to be literally ONTOP of me.

I kissed his forehead feeling his curly hair.

"Cj did you wake her up?" Christopher asked coming out the closet buttoning up his shirt. He looked hella fine. He was wearing black jeans with a white button down shirt. For now at least.

"Where you going look all Daddyish and shit?" I asked biting my lip.

"We as family, are going out to dinner before I leave. I want to do something together. Then come home, and make another baby with my -"

"We're not having sex if a baby is going to be slipped inside of me. I'm not having it." I said cutting him off.

Chris laughed, "I was just joking." He said. "Nah but for real, Cj is going to bed as soon as we get here so we can have our love making time." He said doing a dance and I laughed.

It was funny, but sexy.

"You are crazy." I laughed.

"Dadadee!!" Cj yelled bouncing in my lap. I laughed tickling him and he screamed.

"Come on Teyana you playing man. Take a shower and start getting dressed and stuff while I get Cj dressed." Christopher said taking Cj off the bed and kissing him walking out the bedroom.

- - - -

I put Cj in the highchair and he immediately started screaming and kicking his legs causing a scene.

"Cj you better calm yo' little ass down right now!" I semi-whispered.

"Baby you can't be doing that, yous scaring him. He's only 10 Months !" Christopher said taking Cj out the highchair and sat him in his lap.

I rolled my eyes. "10 Months with a lotta' damn sense." I mumbled and looked at Cj seeing him playing with his pacifier.

- - - -

After eating dinner, I was craving all the damn desserts on the menu.

"Waiter!" I smiled yelling. Christopher looked at me from rocking Cj to sleep.

"Teyana I know damn well.."

"How can I help you ma'am?" The waiter smiled sweetly.

"Yes ma'am. I would like the Volcano chocolate cake, cookies & cream ice cream, and a slice of birthday cake. Ouu, also a vanilla milkshake please." I smile handing her the menu.

"Alright that's a.." She repeated my order perfectly.

"Yup, thank you so much." I said watching her walk away. I looked back at Chris seeing him looking at me crazy. "What?" I laughed flipping my hair over my shoulder.

"Teyana what the fuck are you doing?! You already ate about 3 different plates of food, now you bouta eat so this junk food? I don't even eat this much." He said.

"What you trynna say, I'm fat?" I questioned.

"No baby its just ... your eating alot and I don't want to gain any weight you shouldn't be gaining."

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