37 { Trying }

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2 Days Later...

- Teyana -

"Bye baby boy, mommy loves you soo much and I will miss youuu!!" I cooed kissing Cj in his car seat. He smiled at me nibbling on his little chubby hands.

"Damn. You don't even bother kissing me like that and I'm the one who helped you make him," Christopher said watching me. I laughed shaking my head.

"Maybe because Cj didn't break my heart like you did." I smirked.

Christopher smacked his lips, "Alright Alright , I get it. But you know I love you still?" He said.

"Yea , and I still love you. But I don't think I relationship is best for us right now." I said.

"Why not?"

"Because , your famous now! You have more women all over you than before and more attention. It's already enough me and my baby have fan pages! I'm tired of people coming in my inbox trying to fight me because of that shit." I fussed.

Chris laughed. "That's why you ignore them Teyana." He said.

"I do!!" I said back.

"Awee, is he leaving?" Honey's voice said. I sighed closing my eyes looking at the floor then at the ceiling. I told her bright skinned ass to stay upstairs.

"Oh so this how we rocking now? This why you don't want to be with me anymore? Because you fucking a female? HONEY AT THAT!" Christopher yelled.

"I'M NOT FUCKING HER! We're just hanging out! She keeps me more company than you ever did anyways! All you did was leave to go to the studio and left me at the house with your newborn son!" I yelled

"Then why is she wearing your robe?" He asked. I looked back seeing Honey in my purple silk robe. She actually looked pretty sexy if you ask me.

"Girls can't be sexy for once Christopher?" Honey asked smirking.

"Oh you shut up. You know I don't like you around Teyana. Specially after you thought She was gonna be with you." He said laughing. "And just because I'm not here now , don't think you got a chance to get with her. Because you don't. Teyana is mine and all mine. Don't even try it," He warned her.

"Or what? Your going to kill me? Because then you won't be in the music industry any more." She laughed saying flipping her hair over her shoulder. "I'll be upstairs. When you finish with this selfish jerk , come back up so we can continue talking about how unloyal these niggas really are." She told me and looked at Christopher and rolled her eyes shaking her head.

Honey went upstairs leaving Christopher and I downstairs with Cj.

"So , yall fucking?" He asked breaking the silence.

"Why the hell is it even your business Christopher?! We're not together! I have to get it from somewhere!" I yelled.

"Honey though?! Out of all people , her! Lemme guess , you still fucking that Terrenve nigga too then huh?"

Ding Dong!

I pushed past Christopher walking to the door. I opened it and Terrence was on the other side with his hands in his pockets.

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