56 { Back Together }

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I was bathing Cj in Christopher's sink when someone knocked on the door.

"You wanna get that," I told Christopher. He nodded getting up from the couch and walked to the door. Cj looked up at me. "What you looking at Nukie?" I smiled and he laughed sticking his little tongue out.

Okay maybe I do that too much around him.

"Hey bitchh!" Makayla said coming in the room.

"Wassup girl. Y'all wasn't there for long." I told her looking at the clock.

"Bitch 3 hours was long enough. Anyways guess what bitch!!" She yelled. I picked Cj up out the sink wrapping him in the towel and laid him on the bed drying him off.

"What?" I giggled asking.

"So .. Terrence came to the party. And before we left -"

"Y'all was arguing -" Christopher cut off.

Makayla smacked her lips and I looked at him.

"How the hell you know? You was up hea' fucking Teyana." She said and I blushed.

Christopher laughed.

"Hey! Mind yours!" He said pointing to Makayla and she laughed. "Anyways Devon called me when he got in the car. You said some harsh shit Makayla. But it was true." He said popping his imaginary collar.

"WHAT THE HELL AM I MISSING?!" I yelled. Cj looked up at me. "Sorry Baby boy." I said putting his diaper on them his baby lotion. After that, I put his onsie on.

"I told Terrenve that you and him wasn't cute together and that everybody preferred you with Christopher." She explained.

Christopher faked gasped loudly making Cj laugh crawling to the end of the bed to him.

"Is that so?!" He exclaimed.

I laughed hitting him with the towel.

"He got mad and I didn't give a fuck. Then at the party , he was with Micah I'm guessing. She even called him baby I was like , oup!" She said and i frowned. "And then she said Terrence was drooling over her at the mall today and if you connect the dots, she's the bitch he was with and that you heard on the phone!!"

I started replaying the phone call , and she was right. Micah is Terrence's ex. They've been messing around on and off since highschool it's annoying.

Everytime he would go and fuck with another girl, Micah wouldn't allow it. She would always make him cheat with her.

If he's cheating on me with this bitch, I'm going crazy. And I put that on my family.

* * *

"Whatchu' thinking bout?" Christopher asked sitting on infront of me.

"If this nigga is playing wit ma heart or not." I said looking at the floor.

He pulled me in his lap.

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