59 { Cj's First Steps }

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3 Months Later...


In the morning, Christopher is leaving Cj and I, to go away for his Miami concert for the weekend. I would love to go out there and celebrate with my baby but I don't want Cj around all those crazy people. He's only 10 Months, and I swear people take too many pictures or try to touch my baby.

I'm going to miss my babe. This won't be our first time being apart from each other for a while, but it still crushes me each time.

- - -

"Baby you have to leave in a few hours, I want to do something before you go." I told Christopher.

He put his phone on the night stand then hovered over me, "We can do whatever baby." He smirked kissing my lips. I laughed.

"Chris I -"

"DaDaa!!" Cj's voice said through the baby monitor. I laughed pulling away from the kiss. We looked at the baby monitor seeing Chris Jr standing in his crib holding his bottle. "DAADAAA!!" He yelled louder. I was dying watching him. He then started crying.

"DaDa" was Cj's First word. I wish it was mama, but you can't get everything you want in life right? 

"What you still on me fa? Go get my baby." I told Christopher. He smacked his lips.

"You gon' stop talking to me like I'm yo kid." He said sitting up and getting out the bed. I bit my lip grinning watching my man leave the bedroom.

While waiting for them to come back, I grabbed my phone seeing a text message from Makayla.

BigBootyKay🍑💦: " Amber I wanna go out to the club tonight. You down? "

Me: " Maybe, I don't know. Chris is leaving tonight and I'm trying to spend all the time I can before he goes. "

BigBootyKay 🍑💦: " Mbn. 😩But lemme know if you make up your mind. "

I locked my phone putting it back on the pillow.

To elaborate on what Makayla and I was just talking about, Amber is this chick Makayla and I met at the Mall about 2 months ago. She's really pretty, she's a single parent to an adorable 7 month old little girl, and she's fun and outgoing.

Makayla originally knew Amber from her job. Makayla recently started a new job in a popular nail/hair salon and Amber was working there. They instantly clicked, Makayla introduced Amber to me, and we instantly clicked. I like Amber.

- - -

Another thing, Makayla and Vincent are not currently together. Remember the nurse that I had to check when Chris got shot back in Louisiana, well Vincent cheated on Makayla with her in their bedroom!

Makayla and I were getting out hair done, came back to her house to chill and caught them two fucking in their bed.

From what. he girl say, Vincent flew her up here. Vincent denying the shit. I dont know who to believe.

Makayla claims she's "done" with Vincent but the way them two at stuck on each other, a little break is all they need. They're going through the same cycle that  me and Christopher went through.

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