92 { Standing Up }

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{ Teyana }

"I am so sorry Oliver. It's all my fault." I said looking at Oliver.

"Nahh, it's not your fault. I was just doing my job, protecting you." He said.

"Thanks Unc. And just to be cler, you can take off from work until your healed. Don't want you messing up anything." Chris said standing behind me.

"Thanks Neph. What happened to Devon?" He asked.

I shrugged. "I dont know, and I don't care. I just want all of this drama to his be over with." I said running my hand through my hair.

"Hey, Vincent's ready to go. I'll text you later alright? Thanks Oliver." Makayla said.

"Your welcome." He said.

"Okay best friend. Hey, have you gotten in touch with Amber?"

Makayla shook her head looking at her phone.

"I called her ass at least a million times, she never answered." Makayla said sighing. I did as well. I don't know wassup with Amber but I really hope she's okay.

She just up and left like we don't know where the hell she went.

_ _

Christopher and I decided on letting Chris's parents keep Cj for the night.

"Alright mama, we'll see y'all tomorrow .. We love y'all too and kiss Cj for us .. Aight, bye." Chris hung up the phone. I tied my hair up in a messy bun then grabbed my phone going on social media.

"Devon didn't touch you or nothing right?" Christopher asked getting in the bed.

"No, but he was kinda close. I was scared Chris like he had the gun literally in my face. Makayla was held at gunpoint too but you know-how hard she is, she wasn't scared for shit. And that pissed him off even more." I explained.

Chris sighed, "This shit ain't over." He said. He got up and walked to the closet. Seconds later, he came out in a bulletproof vest and sweat pants with a hoodie in his hand.

"Woah woah, Chris where are you going?" I asked sitting up on my knees.

"Ima be right back, get some rest. I love you." He came over kissing my lips.

"No Christopher, I don't want you going over there! Don't risk your life!" I said tearing up.

"Teyana I'll be fine! I'm good, look!" He showed me the vest. "I'm not scared of Devon!" He yelled.

"Christopher think about baby Chris. What if -"

"I am thinking about you Cj, Teyana. And I'm thinking about you. I want to keep y'all safe. I'm tired of this nigga thinking he scaring somebody. I got this mama. You gotta trust me."

I sighed. "I trust you." I said and he grinned. "That's why I'm coming with you." I said getting out the bed.

Christopher picked me up putting me back in the bed.

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