82 { Bad News }

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{ Teyana }

I was having a good time dancing on Chalres when I heard someone yell my name. I looked up seeing Christopher with Vincent behind him.

"CHRISTOPHER?!!" I yelled. I got off of Charles.

"What the fuck are you doing?! You got a stranger watching our son while you out here shaking ya ass one random niggas! What if something would've happened to him?!"

"I'm grown Chris! We're not together, so why can't I have fun?"

"Come on, were leaving." He grabbed my arm and I pushed him off.

"NO! I'm not going back to ATL! I'm done!" I yelled.

"Teyana just come on." He picked me up putting me over his shoulder.

"PUT ME DOWN!" I screamed.

_ _

We walked in the hotel. I rolled my eyes at the people staring at me. They acting like they never seen a bitch in a silk robe before.

"Get in there," Christopher ordered opening the hotel room.

"I don't know why you even brought me here. You could've just brought me back to - OW!" I screamed holding my side.

"What?" Christopher asked. Makayla came out of no where holding Cj.

"My side hu- RTS!! OMGG!!" I cried sliding on the floor.

My stomach was in an extreme amount of pain right now. I don't know where this is coming from. I never had this pain before, it's weird.

"Guys we need to take her to the hospital." Vincent said.

{ Christopher }

Me, Makayla, Vincent, and Cj were told to go sit back in the waiting room while the docs ran tests on Teyana.

I'm honestly scared to know what's going on with her. On the way here, she was screaming and crying, Cj was screaming and crying because of Tey. I tried my best calling her down but it didn't really work.

Then ontop of that, when we were getting out, a big circle of blood was on Teyana's spot where she sat.

I don't know what this could be but I hope it's not nothing bad.

_ _

"Family of Teyana Marlon?"

We all stood up. "How is she doc? She's fine?" I asked.

"Well .. I have good news and I have bad news .." He said.

"Give us the good news first." Vincent said taking the word right out my mouth.

"Well the good news is .. Teyana is doing just fine." He said grinning

"So why was she bleeding like that?" Makayla asked.

He sighed. "That's the bad news .. We ran some tests, did some ultrasounds, turns out Teyana was pregnant. But .. we found alcohol in her system and high percentage of stress which caused her to lose the baby. I'm so sorry guys." I sighed walking away sitting down putting my hands over my face.

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