23 { Care }

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Now that Christopher and I are officially together, I am happy. He's like my protector and I can really say he's my man now. Seeing how much he cares for me and loves me, makes my heart smile.

Now, I am a little hesitant with this relationship though calling from my last relationships, they told me things I loved to hear and then a good month or 2, I'll be back single and back doing my hoe type shit.

Christopher knows about my past relationships, I told him about them and he told me that he would never do what they did to me. He told me he was going to be wayy better than them.

I believe him but actions speak louder than words.

Seeing the pregnancy tests coming back positive really shocked me and scared me. What if Christopher isn't ready for a baby? He says he is but when I tell him I'm really pregnant, how will he react?

So many questions were running through my head.

"They're all positive.." I said and started crying again.

He pulled me in his lap, "Aren't you happy though?"

"I don't know how to feel Christopher. I'm not ready for this. I have too much going on right now to now being a mother. Are you even ready?" 

"Baby girl what did I just tell you? I been ready. I love you Teyana. I'm glad your having my baby. I don't want my first child by anyone but you." He said and I blushed.

"So your not mad?"

"Of course not babe. Don't worry, we'll get through this together. I'll be here every step of the way. And as your man and protector, I'll make sure that you and our baby are safe and happy." He said and I rested my head on his chin.

"Thank you baby. I love you."

"I love you more baby girl." He pecked my lips.

"Shouldn't we tell your family nd everything?" I asked playing with his beard.

"Yeah but I want you to actually meet them first."

"And when will that be?"

"We're having a family reunion this weekend, that should be perfect. I can't wait for you to meet my mom. Your going to love her." He smiled. I grinned.

"What about your dad," I asked.

"He died.. When I was 5 years old. I had a basketball game and really excepted him to be there. My mom too, but they both didn't show up. My aunt came pick me up and they brought me to the hospital. My mom was crying and Devon. They told us dad passed because of a heart attack." He explained. "But I mean we're good now. He'll be missed and I will never forget him. He was the best father ever. To me, and Devon."

"Aw, that's sweet. That's what happened to me. Lost both of my parents at a young age. Both because of a plane crash. That changed my life forever. That's part of the reason why i am the person I am today and why I do the things I do."

"Well I'm here now and you have me. You don't have to worry about going back to those ways because your going to be a role model to a kid in 9 months and we want to be good role models." He said resting his large hand on my stomach.

"Yeah, your right." I said. "I can't to meet your parents though. I have cousins, aunties, and uncles you can probably meet."

"When was the last time you been to Louisiana?" He asked.

"Um ... about a year or two?" I said squinting my eyes looking up at the ceiling.

"Damn. We have to put it on a bucket list to go down south. Isn't Makayla from there too?"

"Not until the baby is born and at least can talk and see you know, may be a good 6 or 8 months. And yes, were both some New Orleans babies." I giggled.


After Teyana and I talked for another good hour about our family, past, and our future, she was out like a light.

I kissed her forehead getting out the bed and then threw the pregnancy tests away.

I posted the picture of the tests on my social media accounts with the same captions saying ;

B L E S S E D . 🙏❤#futuredaddy #blessed

I even tagged Teyana's account in the pic and then posted them. My phone started blowing up. I turned my notifications off because I knew phonecalls, texts, and everything was about to be rolling in.

I'm glad Teyana is pregnant with my child. I told her first hand I wanted her to have my first child.

I know about her past and everything but I have a past two. I fucked women too but we just move on from that, throw it away, and focus on our future.

I'm so excited for when this baby comes. Hell Ian gonna know how to act.

My phone started ringing. I looked seeing a phone call from my mom. I knew she seen one of the posts and want to talk about it.

I honestly think Teyana and my mom are going to get away just fine. She likes Devon, so she has to love my mom.

"Hey mama." I smiled into the phone like she could see me.


How Many Of Y'all Think Teyana And Christopher's Relationship Will Work Out?

Could There Be A Possibility The Baby Could Be Devon's? 😮

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